Wave heights, periods or currents

Photo: Flensburger Schiffbau Gesellschaft
Depending on their area of navigation vessels are subjected to different environmental conditions such as different wave heights, periods or currents. Considering these environmental conditions, their variability and change over the expected life time of the vessel represents an economic advantage and can improve design and operation of vessels. Based on coastDat an innovative concept was developed at the Flensburger Schiffbaugesellschaft (FSG) and tested for the North Sea. Data from coastDat have been incorporated into the operational design system at the FSG and are now used on a routine basis. The data from coastDat was used by the FSG to optimize RoRo ferry operations in the North Sea. For example, data was used during the design process for the ferry Jasmine. The photo shows this vessel at the shipyard shortly before launch.
A more detailed description can be found in
Weisse et al. (2009).