Welcome to LUCAS
LUCAS (Land Use and Climate Across Scales) is a new initiative on coordinated regional climate model experiments for Europe including land use change forcing. It has been submitted by the European branch of the Cordinated Downscaling Experiments EURO-CORDEX and approved by WCRP-CORDEX as a Flagship Pilot Study (FPS). The overall objective of FPS LUCAS is to identify robust biophysical impacts of land use changes on climate across regional to local spatial scales and at various time scales from extreme events to multi-decadal trends.
More than 20 European institutions are involved in LUCAS: Participants. In 2021, RCM modelling groups from Northern America joined as "LUCAS-NA". If you are interested to participate in LUCAS, please contact Diana Rechid.
Project coordination:
Diana Rechid, GERICS/Hereon, Hamburg, Germany
Edouard Davin, University of Bern, Switzerland
Eleni Katragkou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Martin Leduc, Ouranos & Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
Senior scientific advisor:
Nathalie de Noblet-Ducoudré, LSCE/IPSL, Paris, France