In preparation
- “Formation of multi-functional coatings composed of Al2O3 and ZrSiO4 on AA2024 alloy using plasma electrolytic oxidation” Đ. Dedić, K. Mojsilović, M. Serdechnova, C. Blawert, M. Damjanović, R. Vasilić, M. L. Zheludkevich, submitted to Surface and Coatings Technology
- “The role of interface activity for in situ LDH formation: Mg vs Al surfaces” T. Shulha, M. Serdechnova, Y. Zhang, C. Blawert, M.L. Zheludkevich, to be submitted
- “Co-deposition of CeO2 and 13X zeolite as an efficient way to produce photocatalysts” K. Mojsilovic, N. Tadic. S. Stojanovic, Lj. Damjanovic-Vasilic, R. Vasilic, Metals, to be submitted
- “Exploring Er0.02Yb0.4Y1.58O3 Powder Additives Producing Multifunctional Coatings on AZ31 Magnesium Alloy via the PEO Technique” P. Głuchowski, D. Kujawa, D. Czekanowska, Q. Chen, A. Musiałek, K. Szustakiewicz, I. Smolina, T. Wu, M. Starikevich, C. Blawert, M. Serdechnova, to be submitted
- “Photocatalytic Degradation of Organic Pollutants Under Sunlight Using WO3 Coatings Fabricated by the PEO Technique” D. Czekanowska, E. Falletta, M.G. Galloni, V. Fabbrizio Q. Chen, C. Blawert, M. Serdechnova, P. Głuchowski, to be submitted
- “Electrochemical Hydrogen Evolution Through Water Splitting Using WO3-Based Cathodes Prepared by the PEO Technique” D. Czekanowska, E. Falletta, M.G. Galloni, V. Fabbrizio Q. Chen, C. Blawert, M. Serdechnova, P. Głuchowski, to be submitted
- “MoO3 Layers Prepared by the PEO Technique for the Decomposition of Organic Compounds in Water” D. Czekanowska, A. Zielińska-Jurek, Y. Tautayev, Q. Chen, C. Blawert, M. Serdechnova, P. Głuchowski, to be submitted
- “Bi2WO6 Layers Prepared by the PEO Technique for Water Remediation” D. Czekanowska, A. Zielińska-Jurek, Q. Chen, C. Blawert, M. Serdechnova, P. Głuchowski, to be submitted
- “Photodegradation of Organic Compounds in Water Using a Multilayer WO3/MoO3 Structures Prepared by the PEO Technique” D. Czekanowska, Q. Chen, R. Vasilic, C. Blawert, M. Serdechnova, P. Głuchowski, to be submitted
- “Impact of Layer Composition Prepared by the PEO Technique Using MoS2 and WO3 Powders on the Efficiency of Photodegradation of Organic Compounds” D. Czekanowska, Q. Chen, R. Vasilic, C. Blawert, M. Serdechnova, P. Głuchowski, to be submitted
- “Bioglass coatings prepared using PEO Technique” K. Hałubek-Głuchowska, C. Velasquez, A. Łukowiak, D. Czekanowska, Q. Chen, C. Blawert, M. Serdechnova, P. Głuchowski, to be submitted
- “Photocatalytic and antimicrobial properties of TiO2 doped PEO coatings” P. Głuchowski, C. Velasquez, D. Czekanowska, A. Bamburov, K. Hałubek-Głuchowska, F. Maia, Q. Chen, C. Blawert, M. Serdechnova, to be submitted
- U. Kakimov, D. Kujawa, C. Blawert, M. Serdechnova, T. Wu, P. Gluchowski, K. Yasakau, “Magnetic properties of the of BaFe12O19 powders and coatings prepared by plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO)”, to be submitted U. Kakimov, D. Kujawa, C. Blawert, M. Serdechnova, T. Wu, P. Gluchowski, K. Yasakau, to be submitted
- G. Yeshmanova, C. Blawert, M. Serdechnova, M. Starykevich, T. Wu, U. Kakimov, V. Kasneryk, T. Shulha, D. Smagulov, M.L. Zheludkevich, “Role of different Si source on PEO coating formation, morphology and composition”, to be submitted
- “EIS characterization and corrosion degradation mechanisms of PEO coatings prepared in different electrolytes on AA2024, AA5083 and AW6082 aluminum” K. Yasakau et al., to be submitted
- “Tailoring plasma electrolytic oxidation through metallic cation addition: Insights from bipolar and unipolar electrical regimes” K. Mojsilovic et al., to be submitted
- “In-situ incorporation of LDH particles during PEO processing of aluminium alloy AA2024” K. Mojsilović, M. Serdechnova, C. Blawert, M.L. Zheludkevich, S. Stojadinović, R. Vasilić, Applied Surface Science, 654 (2024) 159450
- “Simple incorporation and calcination of Zn-Al LDH during PEO processing in near-neutral pH solutions” K. Mojsilović, M. Serdechnova, C. Blawert, M.L. Zheludkevich, S. Stojadinović, R. Vasilić, Applied Surface Science, 677 (2024) 161065
- “Chelating agent stimulated LDH post-treatment of PEO coated AA2024” T. Shulha, M. Shikun, M. Serdechnova, T. Naacke, V. Kasneryk, V. Heitmann, P. Karlova, A. Davydok, S.A. Karpushenkov, C. Blawert, M.L. Zheludkevich, Applied Surface Science, 670 (2024) 106707
- „LDH sealing for PEO coated friction stir welded AZ31/AA5754 materials“ T. Shulha, M. Serdechnova, T. Wu, T. Naacke, G. Wiese, C. Blawert, M.L. Zheludkevich, Nano Materials Science, 6 (2024) 428-442.
- “Characterization and In Vitro Behavior of PEO Coated Mg Modified with Antibacterial Ag(I) and Cu(II) Complexes” K.A. Tsimafeyeva, M. Starykevich, D. Snihirova, C. Blawert, N. Scharnagl, A. Schuster, S. Gavras, B.J.C. Luthringer-Feyerabend, M.L. Zheludkevich, Chemistry—A European Journal, 30 (2024) e202303012
- “Controllable recrystallization of ZnO/ZnAl2O4 based PEO into ZIF-8 as a route for the formation of multifunctional coatings” V. Kasneryk, T. Wu, H. Rohr, M. Serdechnova, K. Mojsilovic, D.C.F. Wieland, A. Davydok, E. Gazenbiller, R. Vasilic, C. Blawert, N. Stock, M.L. Zheludkevich, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 132 (2024) 395-409
- “Effect of electrolyte composition on the formation of PEO coatings on AA2024 aluminium alloy” G. Yeshmanova, C. Blawert, M. Serdechnova, D.C.F. Wieland, M. Starykevich, E. Gazenbiller, D. Höche, D. Smagulov, M.L. Zheludkevich, Surfaces and Interfaces, 44 (2024) 103797
- "Corrosion protection of zinc by LDH conversion coatings" K.A. Yasakau, A. Kuznetsova, A. Maltanava, S. Poznyak, M.G.S. Ferreira, M.L. Zheludkevich, Corrosion Science, 229 (2024) 111889
- “Efficient photocatalytic treatment of pesticide industry wastewater using TiO2/ZSM-5 zeolite hybrid photocatalysts" S. Stojanović, M. Lješević, M. Damjanović, R. Vasilić, V. Beškoski, Lj. Damjanović-Vasilić, Coatings 14(12) (2024) 1516
- “High photocatalytic activity of TiO2/Al2TiO5 coatings obtained by plasma electrolytic oxidation of titanium” S. Stojadinović, N. Radić, R. Vasilić, Materials Letters, 338 (2023) 134069
- “LDH has been grown: What is next? Overview on methods of post-treatment of LDH conversion coatings” V. Kasneryk, M. Serdechnova, C. Blawert, M.L. Zheludkevich, Applied Clay Science, 232 (2023) 106774
- “The influence of electrolyte on photocatalytic activity of PEO coatings with incorporated Ce-ZSM5 formed on aluminum” N. Božović, K. Mojsilović, S. Stojanović, Lj. Damjanović-Vasilić, S. Stojadinović, R. Vasilić ,submitted Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 27 (2023) 1945-1953
- “The plasma electrolytic oxidation of aluminum using microsecond-range DC pulsing” K. Mojsilović, S. Stojadinović, R. Vasilić, Metals, 13(12) (2023) 1931
- “Photoluminescent coatings on zinc alloy prepared by plasma electrolytic oxidation in aluminate electrolyte” H. Maltanava, S. Stojadinovic, R. Vasilic, S. Karpushenkov, N. Belko, M. SAmtsov, S. Poznyak, Coatings, 13 (2023) 848
- “Application of Micro-Arc Discharges During Anodization of Tantalum for Synthesis of Photocatalytic Active Ta2O5 Coatings” S. Stojadinović, N. Radić, R. Vasilić, Micromachines, 14(3) (2023) 701
- “Micro-second range pulsed DC plasma electrolytic oxidation on Ti and Nb” K. Mojsilovic, J. Jovovic, S. Stojadinovic, R. Vasilic, submitted to Surfaces and Interfaces
- “Oxide coatings with immobilized Ce-ZSM5 as visible light photocatalysts” N. Bozovic, K. Mojsilovic, S. Stojanovic, Lj. Damjanovic-Vasilic, M. Serdechnova, C. Blawert, M.L. Zheludkevich, submitted to Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society
- “Zeolite-containing photocatalysts immobilized on aluminum support by plasma electrolytic oxidation” Mojsilović, K., Božović, N., Stojanović, S., Damjanović-Vasilić, L., Serdechnova, M., Blawert, C., Zheludkevich, M.L., Stojadinović, S., Vasilić, R., (2021) Surfaces and Interfaces, 26, art. no. 101307
- “Formation and properties of oxide coatings with immobilized zeolites obtained by plasma electrolytic oxidation of aluminum” Mojsilović, K., Lačnjevac, U., Stojanović, S., Damjanović-Vasilić, L., Stojadinović, S., Vasilić, R., (2021) Metals, 11 (8), art. no. 1241, DOI: 10.3390/met11081241
- “Mechanism of LDH Direct Growth on Aluminum Alloy Surface: A Kinetic and Morphological Approach” Bouali, A.C., Iuzviuk, M.H., Serdechnova, M., Yasakau, K.A., Drozdenko, D., Lutz, A., Fekete, K., Dovzhenko, G., Wieland, D.C.F., Terryn, H., Ferreira, M.G.S., Zobkalo, I.A., Zheludkevich, M.L., 2021) Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 125 (21), pp. 11687-11701,
- “Characterization of Al-W oxide coatings on aluminum formed by pulsed direct current plasma electrolytic oxidation at ultra-low duty cycles” Mojsilović, K., Tadić, N., Lačnjevac, U., Stojadinović, S., Vasilić, R., (2021) Surface and Coatings Technology, 411, art. no. 126982
- “Formation of multi-functional TiO2 surfaces on AA2024 alloy using plasma electrolytic oxidation” Ignjatović, S., Blawert, C., Serdechnova, M., Karpushenkov, S., Damjanović, M., Karlova, P., Wieland, D.C.F., Starykevich, M., Stojanović, S., Damjanović-Vasilić, L., Zheludkevich, M.L., (2021) Applied Surface Science, 544, art. no. 148875
- “Properties of ZnO/ZnAl2O4 composite PEO coatings on zinc alloy Z1” Serdechnova, M., Blawert, C., Karpushenkov, S., Karpushenkava, L., Shulha, T., Karlova, P., Vasilić, R., Stojadinović, S., Stojanović, S., Damjanović-Vasilić, L., Heitmann, V., Rabchynski, S.M., Zheludkevich, M.L., (2021) Surface and Coatings Technology, 410, art. no. 126948,
- „Incorporation of LDH nanocontainers into plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings on Mg alloy" Li, Y., Lu, X., Serdechnova, M., Blawert, C., Zheludkevich, M.L., Qian, K., Zhang, T., Wang, F., (2021) Journal of Magnesium and Alloys
- “The Influence of In Situ Anatase Particle Addition on the Formation and Properties of Multifunctional Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation Coatings on AA2024 Aluminum Alloy” Ignjatović, S., Blawert, C., Serdechnova, M., Karpushenkov, S., Damjanović, M., Karlova, P., Dovzhenko, G., Wieland, D.C.F., Zeller-Plumhoff, B., Starykevich, M., Stojanović, S., Damjanović-Vasilić, L., Zheludkevich, M.L., (2021) Advanced Engineering Materials
- „Oxygen nonstoichiometry and magnetic properties of doped manganites La0.7Sr0.3Mn0.95Fe0.05O3-δ” N.A. Kalanda, M.V. Yarmolich, A.L. Gurskii, A.V. Petrov, A.L. Zhaludkevich, O.V. Ignatenko, M. Serdechnova, Modern Electronic Materials 7(4) (2021) 141–149
- “Structural, magnetic and thermodynamic properties of barium ferromolybdate” M.D. Kutuzau, A.V. Blokhin, Y.N. Yurkshtovich, S.E. Demyanov, N.A. Kalanda, M.V. Yarmolich, and M. Serdechnova, Philosophical Magazine, 101(14) (2021) 1699-1708
- “Layered double hydroxides (LDHs) as functional materials for the corrosion protection of aluminum alloys: A review” Bouali, A.C., Serdechnova, M., Blawert, C., Tedim, J., Ferreira, M.G.S., Zheludkevich, M.L.,(2020) Applied Materials Today, 21, art. no. 100857
- “Use of synergistic mixture of chelating agents for in situ LDH growth on the surface of PEO-treated AZ91” Petrova, E., Serdechnova, M., Shulha, T., Lamaka, S.V., Wieland, D.C.F., Karlova, P., Blawert, C., Starykevich, M., Zheludkevich, M.L., (2020) Scientific Reports, 10 (1), art. no. 8645, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-65396-0,
- “Plasma electrolytic oxidation of AZ31 and AZ91 magnesium alloys: Comparison of coatings formation mechanism” Rakoch, A.G., Monakhova, E.P., Khabibullina, Z.V., Serdechnova, M., Blawert, C., Zheludkevich, M.L., Gladkova, A.A.,(2020) Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, 8 (3), pp. 587-600, Outstanding paper award (2022) from International Magnesium Science & Technology (IMS)
- “Plasma electrolytic oxidation of zinc alloy in a phosphate-aluminate electrolyte” Blawert, C., Karpushenkov, S.A., Serdechnova, M., Karpushenkava, L.S., Zheludkevich, M.L., (2020) Applied Surface Science, 505, art. no. 144552
- „Active protection of Mg alloy by composite PEO coating loaded with corrosion inhibitors” Chen, Y., Lu, X., Lamaka, S.V., Ju, P., Blawert, C., Zhang, T., Wang, F., Zheludkevich, M.L.,(2020) Applied Surface Science, 504, art. no. 144462
- “Dielectric characteristics of novel composite nanomaterial” Petrov, A., Zhaludkevich, A., Serdechnova, M., Hurski, L., Kalanda, N., Karpinsky, D., Krivchenya, D., Fink, D.,(2020) Ferroelectrics, 554 (1), pp. 1-10
- “Ce3+/Eu2+ Doped Al2O3 Coatings Formed by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation of Aluminum: Photoluminescence Enhancement by Ce3+→Eu2+ Energy Transfer” Stojadinović, S., Ćirić, A., (2019) Coatings, 9 (12), art. no. 819
- “Spectroscopic study of micro-discharges during plasma electrolytic oxidation of Al–Zn–Si alloy” S. Stojadinovic, R. Vasilic, Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 84(8), 915-923 (2019).
- “Investigations of phase transformations and magnetic properties in the Sr2CrMoO6 compound” Kalanda N.A., Gurskii A.L., Yarmolich M.V., Petrov A.V., Bobrikov I.A., Ivanshina O.Yu., Sumnikov S.V., Maia F., Zhaludkevich A.L., Demyanov S.E.,(2019) Materials of Electronics Engineering, Vol. 22 (3), pp. 111-117 (in Russian)
- “ Phase transformations at crystallization of the Sr2CrMoO6 compound" Kalanda N.A., Gurskii A.L., Yarmolich M.V., Petrov A.V., Bobrikov I.A., Ivanshina O.Yu., Sumnikov S.V., Maia F., Zhaludkevich A.L., Demyanov S.E., (2019) Modern Electronic Materials, Vol. 5 (2), pp. 69 – 75
- Plenary talk C. Blawert, “Smart corrosion protection concept for PEO coatings on light metals: Approaches and Challenges”, Annual Technical Meeting of the Indian Institute of Metals, Bangalore, India, November 20-22, 2024
- Oral presentation P. Głuchowski, D. Czekanowska, D. Kujawa, K. Hałubek-Głuchowska, A. Łukowiak, A. Musiałek, K. Szustakiewicz, K. Mojsilovic, R. Vasilic, T. Wu, Q. Chen, M. Starikevich, C. Blawert, M. Serdechnova, Multifunctional PEO coatings, Future Materials 2024, 5th International Conference on Materials Science and Nanotechnology, Athens, Greece, October 21-23, 2024
- Oral presentation D. Czekanowska, C. Blawert, M. Serdechnova, A. Bamburov, R. Vasilic, P. Głuchowski, PEO coatings for photocatalytic remediation of water, 9th Edition Smart Materials & Surfaces conference, SMS 2024, Barcelona, Spain, October 23 – 25, 2024
- Oral presentation D. Czekanowska, Q. Chen, Y. Tautaev, C. Blawert, M. Serdechnova, A. Bamburov, R. Vasilic, P. Głuchowski, Photocatalytic properties of PEO coatings prepared using 2D materials, The 1st International Online Conference on Photonics, October 14 – 16, 2024
- Oral presentation P. Głuchowski, D. Kujawa, D. Czekanowska, K. Hałubek-Głuchowska, A. Łukowiak, A. Musiałek, K. Szustakiewicz, I. Smolina, K. Mojsilovic, R. Vasilic, E. Falletta, M.G. Galloni, V. Fabbrizio, T. Wu, M. Starikevich, C. Blawert, M. Serdechnova, Exploring the Use of Luminescent Powder Additives in Coatings Produced via the Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation Technique for Various Applications, The 1st International Online Conference on Photonics, October 14 – 16, 2024
- Oral presentation K. Mojsilović, S. Stojanović, M. Serdechnova, C. Blawert, Lj. Damjanović-Vasilić, M.L. Zheludkevich, S. Stojadinović, R. Vasilić, “Photocatalytic coatings with Ce-loaded zeolites”, 25th FEMS YUCOMAT, Herceg Novi, Montenegro, September 2-6, 2024
- Oral presentation N. Tadić, K. Mojsilović, S. Stojanović, Lj. Damjanović-Vasilić, S. Stojadinović, R.Vasilić, “Zn-species containing oxide coatings: photocatalysis vs. adsorption”, 25th FEMS YUCOMAT, Herceg Novi, Montenegro, September 2-6, 2024
- Plenary talk M. Serdechnova, “Use of chelating agents for in situ LDH formation on light active metals: Mg vs Al case”, 2024 Spring Meeting of the European Materials Research Society, Strasburg, France, May 27-31, 2024
- Keynote presentation M. Serdechnova, “Use of chelating agents for in situ LDH formation on light active metals: Mg vs Al case” International Conference on Corrosion Protection and Application, Chongqing, China, May 17-20, 2024
- Keynote presentation R. Vasilic, Deposition of corrosion inhibitors by plasma electrolytic oxidation, 2024 International Conference on Corrosion Protection and Application, ICCPA 2024, Chongqing, China, May 17-20, 2024
- SMT 35 Conference in Hamburg
- R. Vasilic, Photocatalytic coatings with zeolites prepared by plasma electrolytic oxidation on aluminium support, 35th conference on Surface Modification Technologies, Hamburg, Germany, September 18-22, 2023
- K.A. Yasakau, Corrosion inhibition properties of LDH conversion coatings formed on zinc-based substrates, 35th Conference on Surface Modification Technologies, 18-22 September 2023, Hamburg, Germany.
- P. Głuchowski, D. Kujawa, A. Musiałek, R. Tomala, C. Blawert, T. Wu, M. Serdechnova, Multifunctional ErxYbyY2-x-yO3 Coatings on Magnesium Alloy Prepared by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation (PEO) Process, 35th conference on Surface Modification Technologies, Hamburg, Germany, September 18-22, 2023, Oral presentation
- D. Kujawa, M. Serdechnova, C. Blawert, T. Wu, P. Głuchowski, Preparation of PEO single and multilayer strontium and barium ferrites coatings on magnesium alloys, 35th conference on Surface Modification Technologies, Hamburg, Germany, September 18-22, 2023, Oral presentation + Poster


- “Zeolite-containing photocatalysts immobilized on aluminum support by plasma electrolytic oxidation” Mojsilović, K., Božović, N., Stojanović, S., Damjanović-Vasilić, L., Serdechnova, M., Blawert, C., Zheludkevich, M.L., Stojadinović, S., Vasilić, R.,19th Young Researchers Conference – Materials Science and Engineering, Dec 1-3, 2021, Belgrade, Serbia
- „Localized corrosion at zinc-galvanized surface and corrosion prevention strategies”

- Produce, Properties, And Application Of Titanium Dioxide, “77 scientific-practical conference of students, master-students, and PhD-students of BSU”
- “Plasma-electrolytic Synthesis Of TiO2 Coatings On Aluminum Surface, “Collection of articles of the XXX international scientific and practical conference: "Scientific publishing center", 2020. - 272
- The national exposition of the Republic of Belarus at the international exhibition of materials and technologies for industrial production, engineering, metalworking, automation, electronics, electrical engineering and tools “Tech Industry” V. Kozlov,(November 28-30, 2019, Riga, Latvia)
- “ The national exposition of the Republic of Belarus in the framework of the second China International Import Expo” K. Vetcher,(Shanghai, China, November 2019)
- "Chelating agent-assisted in situ LDH growth on bare and PEO treated Mg alloy" BEST PRESENTATION AWARD M. Serdechnova, T.N. Shulha, E. Petrova, S.V. Lamaka, D.C.F. Wieland, K.N. Lapko, C. Blawert, M.L. Zheludkevich, EFC-China 2019 1st Int. Conf. on Corrosion Protection and Application, 9th-12th October, 2019, Chongqing, China.

- "Chelating agent-assisted in situ LDH growth on bare and PEO treated Mg alloy" KEYNOTE M. Serdechnova, T.N. Shulha, E. Petrova, S.V. Lamaka, D.C.F. Wieland, K.N. Lapko, C. Blawert, M.L. Zheludkevich, LMT2019, 15th-17th October 2019, Shanghai, China.
- "Formation of multifunctional PEO coatings on Mg alloys" X. Lu, T. Zhang, F. Wang, C. Blawert, M.L. Zheludkevich, LMT2019, 15th-17th October 2019, Shanghai, China.
- "Chelating agent-assisted in situ LDH growth on bare and PEO treated Mg alloy" M. Serdechnova, T.N. Shulha, E. Petrova, S.V. Lamaka, D.C.F. Wieland, K.N. Lapko, C. Blawert, M.L. Zheludkevich, LMT2019, 15th-17th October 2019, Shanghai, China.
- “The national exposition of the Republic of Belarus at the international industrial exhibition "IEMA" V. Kozlov, (September 26-28, 2019, Lahore, Pakistan)
- "Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation Of Zinc In Aluminate Electrolyte" S. Poznyak, H. Maltanava, S. Karpushenkov, A. Mikhailau, K. Yasakau, S. Stojadinovic, R. Vasilic, MCM 2019 - 14th Multinational Congress on Microscopy, 15- 20 September 2019, Belgrade, Serbia.

- "Chelating agent-assisted in situ LDH growth on bare and PEO treated Mg alloy" M. Serdechnova, T.N. Shulha, E. Petrova, S.V. Lamaka, D.C.F. Wieland, K.N. Lapko, C. Blawert, M.L. Zheludkevich, Eurocorr 2019, 9-13 September 2019, Seville, Spain.
- "Formation of multifunctional PEO coatings on Mg alloys" X. Lu, T. Zhang, F. Wang, C. Blawert, M.L. Zheludkevich, Eurocorr 2019, 9-13 September 2019, Seville, Spain.
- "Role of anodizing pre-treatment for in-situ growth of LDH-based nanocontainers for active corrosion protection of AA2024" M. Serdechnova, A.C. Bouali, S.A. Karpushenkov, B. Kuznetsov, C. Blawert, M.L. Zheludkevich, 33rd SMT - Conference on Surface Modification Technologies – 2019, 26-28 June 2019, Naples, Italy.
- "The influence of PSA pre-anodization of AA2024 on PEO coating formation: composition, microstructure, corrosion, and wear behaviors" C. Blawert, M. Serdechnova, S. A. Karpushenkov, L. S. Karpushenkava, M. Starykevich, M. G. S. Ferreira, T. Hack, M. H. Iuzviuk, I. A. Zobkalo and M. L. Zheludkevich, 33rd SMT - Conference on Surface Modification Technologies – 2019, 26-28 June 2019, Naples, Italy.
- "Active protective hybrid PEO-epoxy coating on magnesium substrate" M.L. Zheludkevich, C. Blawert, S. Lamaka, J. Yang, 33rd SMT - Conference on Surface Modification Technologies – 2019, 26-28 June 2019, Naples, Italy.

- "Plasma electrolytic oxidation of PSA pre-anodized 2024 alloy" S. Karpushenkov, M. Serdechnova, L. Karpushenkava, M. Starykevich, M.G.S. Ferreira, T. Hack, M.H. Luzviuk, I. Zobkalo, C. Blawert, M. Zheludkevich, Materials of International Scientific and Technical Conference «Modern Electrochemical Technologies and Equipment (METE) – 2019», 13-17 May 2019, Minsk, Belarus. P. 202.

- "Exhibition of Belarusian manufacturers Made in Belarus” A.V. Kozlov,(April 02-05, 2019, Almaty, Kazakhstan).
- “The national exposition of the Republic of Belarus at the international exhibition of production automation ”Smart Factory Expo + Automation World“ K. Vetcher,(March 27-29, 2019, Seoul, South Korea).