Workshop on "Biogeochemical Pressures and their Effects on Marine Ecosystems in China and Europe"
The workshop has already started. An official news is released on the homepage of Hereon.
Date: | 30 August 2016 – 02 September 2016 |
Venue: | University of Hamburg, Germany, Bundesstrasse 53 |
Organisers: | Prof. Kay Emeis, Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Germany Prof. Yongming Luo, Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Yantai, China |
Local Organising Committee: | Christiane Hagemann (Hereon), Volker Dzaak (Hereon) |
Format: | The workshop will be held in Hamburg as a bilateral event. The format will be topical presentations with ample time for discussions, as well as writing sessions for proposal outlines. |
Outcome: | As outcomes, we envisage topical and bilateral project proposals to be submitted to the two national research agendas. |
Participants: | Kindly note: The workshop is restricted only to invited guests. |
This workshop will offer a forum to scientists from China and Germany to report on and exchange data and concepts related to specific challenges in the analysis and interpretation of matter fluxes in their nations´ coastal seas environments and in the coastal ocean at large. It specifically focuses on comparative analyses of patterns and fluxes of environmentally problematic substances (xenobiotics, eutrophying nutrients), on methods and approaches to assess environmental status in coastal seas of China and NW Europe. Scientists will analyze the ranges of effects and regionally diverging patterns of problematic substances in river-coastal seas continua, will discuss natural attenuation mechanisms operating in the coastal ocean, their rates, and their capacities for mitigating unwanted effects. Specialists from China and Germany will report on novel approaches to monitor and model biogeochemical fluxes with the aid of in-situ observing systems, and data-model amalgamation. An important objective is to analyse concepts, targets, and procedures for assessing environmental status, a crucial precondition for effective and problem-oriented mitigation programs and for environmental legislation. As outcomes, we envisage topical and bilateral cooperations and outlines of research ideas to be submitted to the two national research agendas.
Origin, Pathways, Cycling and Effects of Eutrophying Substances;
Atmospheric Inputs (including ship emissions);
Transport Pathways and Fluxes of Emerging and Known Problematic Substances;
Oil spills and oil pollution – effects and remediation;
Sea floors: Material sources and sinks in biogeochemical cycles;
Advances in monitoring and modeling of transports, turnover, and fate of materials in the coastal ocean;
Environmental Assessments – Procedures, Descriptors, Indicators
Social and economic dimensions of biogeochemical impacts on coastal ecosystems