
EUROCORR-22: Joint session and Round Table


Group Photo at EUROCORR 2022
Photo: hereon/ Lisa Depenbrock

VIPCOAT consortium has organized the Join session and a Round Table “Modeling sustainable active protective coatings” at EUROCORR congress 2022 on August 30 in Berlin.

Both the session itself and the round table afterwards were very successful. There was a clear interest to the topic addressed with about 80-90 attendees being present.
The consortium was very well represented at the congress. Project partners presented eight lectures at the session and contributed very active to the open discussion during the round table. We have received quite a lot of positive comments and suggestions to organize the sessions with the same format at the EUROCORR 23 in Brussels.


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The VIPCOAT Project received funding from the European Union‘s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 952903