On September 13-14, 2022, Hamburg University of Technology hosted a two-day Summer School “Machine Learning in Engineering” MLE which was co-organized by Hereon. Christian Feiler and Lisa Sahlmann participated in the event as Trainers and represented VIPCOAT consortium at the Summer School.
Lecture Hall
Photo: MLE/ Alexander Greif
On September 13-14, 2022, Hamburg University of Technology hosted a two-day Summer School “Machine Learning in Engineering” MLE which was co-organized by Hereon. Christian Feiler and Lisa Sahlmann participated in the event as Trainers and represented VIPCOAT consortium at the Summer School.
Machine learning has become a driver of economic innovation and development. It is also a key aspect in many academic research projects. As the application of machine learning techniques to solve current challenges has become ubiquitous, it can be daunting to keep track of the latest advancements.
The lecture program of the Summer School provided insights into fundamentals and theory as well as hands-on training in the application of machine learning in engineering to more than 100 participants. Moreover, the program included poster sessions, scientific pitches and a networking event with representatives from local companies.
The Hereon team organized a session on quantitative structure-property relationships which consisted of a short introduction to the theoretical basics, deeper insights into the generation and associated pitfalls of such models as well as their application.
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The VIPCOAT Project received funding from the European Union‘s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 952903