
European Corrosion Medal 2022 awarded to Arjan Mol

Portrait Mol_Arjan

Prof. Dr. Arjan Mol
Photo: TU Delft

VIPCOAT project partner Arjan Mol,Professor of Corrosion Technology and Electrochemistry at Delft University of Technology’s Department of Materials Science and Engineering and Scientific Director of the 4TU Centre High-Tech Materials, has been awarded the prestigious European Corrosion Medal 2022 for his work.

As former President of the European Federation of Corrosion (EFC), Mol is praised not only for his exceptional expertise in metal surface characterisation and modification, local electrochemical surface activity analysis and in situ interfacial bonding studies, but also for his personal enthusiasm for coaching younger generations of corrosionists, his long-lasting and ongoing service to the EFC in various leading positions, as well as leading his cutting-edge scientific research: “Arjan Mol exemplifies the qualities of an outstanding, dedicated scientist and leader who possesses personal integrity and a thoughtful communicative style.”

VIPCOAT consortium congratulates Arjan Mol on the award.
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The VIPCOAT Project received funding from the European Union‘s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 952903