Recent publications
Bormann, H., Kebschull, J., Gaslikova, L., and Weisse, R. (2024): Model-based assessment of climate change impact on inland flood risk at the German North Sea coast caused by compounding storm tide and precipitation events, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 24, 2559–2576. Teutsch, Ina; Groll, Nikolaus (2024): Seegangsbetrachtung zum Untergang der MS “ME-LANIE SCHULTE” im Jahr 1952. Die Küste, 93 Thissen, L.; Greskowiak, J.; Gaslikova, L.; Massmann, G. (2024): Climate change impact on barrier island freshwater lenses and their transition zones: a multi-parameter study. Hydrogeology Journal, 32, 1347–1362. Heinrich, P., Hagemann, S., Weisse, R., Schrum, C., Daewel, U., and Gaslikova, L. (2023): Compound flood events: analysing the joint occurrence of extreme river discharge events and storm surges in northern and central Europe, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 23, 1967–1985. Yi, Xing; Weisse, Ralf (2021): Modellgestützte Untersuchungen zum Einfluss großräumiger Faktoren auf die Tidedynamik in der Deutschen Bucht. In: Die Küste 89. Karlsruhe: Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau. S. 173-191. Grabemann, I., Gaslikova, L., Brodhagen, T., and Rudolph, E. (2020): Extreme storm tides in the German Bight (North Sea) and their potential for amplification, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 20, 1985–2000.
General information
Geyer, Beate (2014): High-resolution atmospheric reconstruction for Europe 1948–2012: coastDat2. In: Earth Syst. Sci. Data 6 (1), S. 147–164. Weisse, Ralf; Bisling, Peter; Gaslikova, Lidia; Geyer, Beate; Groll, Nikolaus; Hortamani, Mahboubeh et al. (2015): Climate services for marine applications in Europe. In: Earth Perspectives 2 (1), S. 1–14. Weisse, Ralf; Storch, Hans von; Callies, Ulrich; Chrastansky, Alena; Feser, Frauke; Grabemann, Iris et al. (2009): Regional Meteorological–Marine Reanalyses and Climate Change Projections. In: Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. 90 (6), S. 849–860. Weisse, R.; Gaslikova, L.; Geyer, B.; Groll, N.; Meyer, E. 2014: coastDat - Model data for science and industry. Die Küste, 81, 5-18.
Methods & added value
Barcikowska, Monika; Feser, Frauke; Storch, Hans von (2012): Usability of Best Track Data in Climate Statistics in the Western North Pacific. In: Mon. Wea. Rev. 140 (9), S. 2818–2830. Feser, Frauke; Rockel, Burkhardt; Storch, Hans von; Winterfeldt, Jörg; Zahn, Matthias (2011): Regional Climate Models Add Value to Global Model Data: A Review and Selected Examples. In: Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. 92 (9), S. 1181–1192. Feser, Frauke; Storch, Hans von (2008): A Dynamical Downscaling Case Study for Typhoons in Southeast Asia Using a Regional Climate Model. In: Mon. Wea. Rev. 136 (5), S. 1806–1815. Krueger, Oliver; Storch, Hans von (2012): The Informational Value of Pressure-Based Single-Station Proxies for Storm Activity. In: J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol. 29 (4), S. 569–580. Krueger, Oliver; Storch, Hans von (2011): Evaluation of an Air Pressure–Based Proxy for Storm Activity. In: J. Climate 24 (10), S. 2612–2619. Li, Delei (2016): Added value of high-resolution regional climate model: selected cases over the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea areas; Int. J. Climatol. DOI: 10.1002/joc.4695 Schenk, F. and E. Zorita (2012): Reconstruction of high resolution atmospheric fields for Northern Europe using analog-upscaling. Climate of the Past 8, 1681-1703, doi:10.5194/cp-8-1681-2012 Storch, Hans von; Langenberg, Heike; Feser, Frauke (2000): A Spectral Nudging Technique for Dynamical Downscaling Purposes. In: Mon. Wea. Rev. 128 (10), S. 3664–3673. Weisse, Ralf; Storch, Hans von (2010): Marine Climate and Climate Change. Storms, Wind Waves and Storm Surges. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Winterfeldt, Jörg; Geyer, Beate; Weisse, Ralf (2011): Using QuikSCAT in the added value assessment of dynamically downscaled wind speed. In: Int. J. Climatol. 31 (7), S. 1028–1039. Winterfeldt, Jörg; Weisse, Ralf (2009): Assessment of Value Added for Surface Marine Wind Speed Obtained from Two Regional Climate Models. In: Mon. Wea. Rev. 137 (9), S. 2955–2965.
Daewel, Ute & Corinna Schrum (2013): Simulating long-term dynamics of the coupled North Sea and Baltic Sea ecosystem with ECOSMO II: Model description and validation. In: Journal of Marine Systems
Volumes 119–120, Pages 30-49 Geyer, Beate (2014): High-resolution atmospheric reconstruction for Europe 1948–2012: coastDat2. In: Earth Syst. Sci. Data 6 (1), S. 147–164. Geyer, Beate; Weisse, Ralf; Bisling, Peter; Winterfeldt, Joerg (2015): Climatology of North Sea wind energy derived from a model hindcast for 1958–2012. In: Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 147, S. 18–29. Groll, N. and Weisse, R, (2017): A multi-decadal wind-wave hindcast for the North Sea 1949–2014: coastDat2, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 9, 955-968. Meyer, Elke M.I; Pohlmann, Thomas; Weisse, Ralf (2011): Thermodynamic variability and change in the North Sea (1948–2007) derived from a multidecadal hindcast. In: Journal of Marine Systems 86 (3-4), S. 35–44. Weidemann, Hendrik (2014): Klimatologier der Ostseewasserstände: Eine Rekonstruktion von 1948-2011. PhD Thesis. Universität Hamburg, Hamburg. FB Geowissenschaften. Weisse, Ralf; Gaslikova, Lidia; Geyer, Beate; Groll, Nikolaus; Meyer, Elke M. I. (2014): coastDat - model data for science and industry. In: Die Küste 81, S. 5–18. Weisse, Ralf; Günther, Heinz (2007): Wave climate and long-term changes for the Southern North Sea obtained from a high-resolution hindcast 1958–2002. In: Ocean Dynamics 57 (3), S. 161–172. Weisse, Ralf; Plüβ, Andreas (2006): Storm-related sea level variations along the North Sea coast as simulated by a high-resolution model 1958–2002. In: Ocean Dynamics 56 (1), S. 16–25. Weisse, Ralf; Storch, Hans von; Feser, Frauke (2005): Northeast Atlantic and North Sea Storminess as Simulated by a Regional Climate Model during 1958–2001 and Comparison with Observations. In: J. Climate 18 (3), S. 465–479. Winterfeldt, J.; Andersson, A.; Klepp, C.; Bakan, S.; Weisse, R. (2010): Comparison of HOAPS, QuikSCAT, and Buoy Wind Speed in the Eastern North Atlantic and the North Sea. In: IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing 48 (1), S. 338–348. Winterfeldt, Jörg; Geyer, Beate; Weisse, Ralf (2011): Using QuikSCAT in the added value assessment of dynamically downscaled wind speed. In: Int. J. Climatol. 31 (7), S. 1028–1039. Winterfeldt, Jörg; Weisse, Ralf (2009): Assessment of Value Added for Surface Marine Wind Speed Obtained from Two Regional Climate Models. In: Mon. Wea. Rev. 137 (9), S. 2955–2965.
Scientific application
Barcikowska, Monika; Feser, Frauke; Storch, Hans von (2012): Usability of Best Track Data in Climate Statistics in the Western North Pacific. In: Mon. Wea. Rev. 140 (9), S. 2818–2830. Bierstedt, Svenja E.; Hünicke, Birgit; Zorita, Eduardo (2015): Variability of wind direction statistics of mean and extreme wind events over the Baltic Sea region. In: Tellus A 67 (0). Bormann, H., Kebschull, J., Gaslikova, L., and Weisse, R. (2024): Model-based assessment of climate change impact on inland flood risk at the German North Sea coast caused by compounding storm tide and precipitation events, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 24, 2559–2576. Callies, Ulrich; Gaslikova, Lidia; Kapitza, Hartmut; Scharfe, Mirco (2016): German Bight residual current variability on a daily basis: principal components of multi-decadal barotropic simulations. Geo-Marine Letters Callies, Ulrich; Plüß, Andreas; Kappenberg, Jens; Kapitza, Hartmut (2011): Particle tracking in the vicinity of Helgoland, North Sea: a model comparison. In: Ocean Dynamics 61 (12), S. 2121–2139. Chrastansky, Alena; Callies, Ulrich (2009): Model-based long-term reconstruction of weather-driven variations in chronic oil pollution along the German North Sea coast. In: Marine Pollution Bulletin 58 (7), S. 967–975. Chrastansky, Alena; Callies, Ulrich; Fleet, David M. (2009): Estimation of the impact of prevailing weather conditions on the occurrence of oil-contaminated dead birds on the German North Sea coast. In: Environmental Pollution 157 (1), S. 194–198. Daewel, U. and Schrum, C. (2017): Low frequency variability in North Sea and Baltic Sea identified through simulations with the 3-d coupled physical-biogeochemical model ECOSMO, Earth System Dynamics Feser, Frauke; Storch, Hans von (2008): A Dynamical Downscaling Case Study for Typhoons in Southeast Asia Using a Regional Climate Model. In: Mon. Wea. Rev. 136 (5), S. 1806–1815. Gaslikova, L.; Schwerzmann, A.; Raible, C. C.; Stocker, T. F. (2011): Future storm surge impacts on insurable losses for the North Sea region. In: Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 11 (4), S. 1205–1216. Gaslikova, Lidia; Grabemann, Iris; Groll, Nikolaus (2013): Changes in North Sea storm surge conditions for four transient future climate realizations. In: Nat Hazards 66 (3), S. 1501–1518. Grabemann, I., Gaslikova, L., Brodhagen, T., and Rudolph, E. (2020): Extreme storm tides in the German Bight (North Sea) and their potential for amplification, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 20, 1985–2000. Grabemann, Iris; Groll, Nikolaus; Möller, Jens; Weisse, Ralf (2015): Climate change impact on North Sea wave conditions: a consistent analysis of ten projections. In: Ocean Dynamics 65 (2), S. 255–267. Grabemann, Iris; Weisse, Ralf (2008): Climate change impact on extreme wave conditions in the North Sea: an ensemble study. In: Ocean Dynamics 58 (3-4), S. 199–212. Groll, Nikolaus; Grabemann, Iris; Gaslikova, Lidia (2014): North Sea wave conditions: an analysis of four transient future climate realizations. In: Ocean Dynamics 64 (1), S. 1–12. Heinrich, P., Hagemann, S., Weisse, R., Schrum, C., Daewel, U., and Gaslikova, L. (2023): Compound flood events: analysing the joint occurrence of extreme river discharge events and storm surges in northern and central Europe, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 23, 1967–1985. Li, Delei; von Storch, H. & Geyer, B. (2016): High-resolution wind hindcast over the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea in East Asia: Evaluation and wind climatology analysis. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 121, 111-129 Meyer, Elke M.I; Pohlmann, Thomas; Weisse, Ralf (2011): Thermodynamic variability and change in the North Sea (1948–2007) derived from a multidecadal hindcast. In: Journal of Marine Systems 86 (3-4), S. 35–44. Mohr, S., M. Kunz, and B. Geyer (2015): Hail potential in Europe based on a regional climate model hindcast, Geophys. Res. Lett., 42, 1–9, doi:10.1002/2015GL067118 Rudolph, Elisabeth; Brodhagen, Tabea; Fery, Natacha; Gaslikova, Lidia; Grabemann, Iris; Meyer, Elke; Möller, Thomas; Tinz, Birger; Weisse, Ralf (2019): Analyse extremer Sturmfluten an der deutschen Nordseeküste und ihrer möglichen Verstärkung. In: Die Küste 87. Karlsruhe: Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau. S. 47-73. Schwichtenberg, F.; Callies, U.; Groll, N.; Maßmann S. (2017): Effects of chemical dispersants on oil spill drift paths in the German Bight – probabilistic assessment based on numerical ensemble simulations. Geo. Mar. Lett. 37, 163-170 Soomere, T.; Weisse, R.; Behrens, A. (2012): Wave climate in the Arkona Basin, the Baltic Sea. In: Ocean Sci. 8 (2), S. 287–300. Teich, Tobias, Groll, Nikolaus, Weisse, Ralf (2018): Long-term statistics of potentially hazardous sea states in the North Sea 1958–2014. Ocean Dynamics 68, 1559–1570 . Thissen, L.; Greskowiak, J.; Gaslikova, L.; Massmann, G. (2024): Climate change impact on barrier island freshwater lenses and their transition zones: a multi-parameter study. Hydrogeology Journal, 32, 1347–1362. Weidemann, Hendrik (2014): Klimatologier der Ostseewasserstände: Eine Rekonstruktion von 1948-2011. PhD Thesis. Universität Hamburg, Hamburg. FB Geowissenschaften. Weisse, Ralf; Günther, Heinz (2007): Wave climate and long-term changes for the Southern North Sea obtained from a high-resolution hindcast 1958–2002. In: Ocean Dynamics 57 (3), S. 161–172. Weisse, Ralf; Plüβ, Andreas (2006): Storm-related sea level variations along the North Sea coast as simulated by a high-resolution model 1958–2002. In: Ocean Dynamics 56 (1), S. 16–25. Weisse, Ralf; Storch, Hans von; Feser, Frauke (2005): Northeast Atlantic and North Sea Storminess as Simulated by a Regional Climate Model during 1958–2001 and Comparison with Observations. In: J. Climate 18 (3), S. 465–479. Weisse Ralf & Hendrik Weidemann (2017): Baltic Sea extreme sea levels 1948-2011: Contributions from atmospheric forcing. Procedia IUTAM, Volume 25, Pages 65-69 Woth, Katja (2005): North Sea storm surge statistics based on projections in a warmer climate: How important are the driving GCM and the chosen emission scenario? In: Geophys. Res. Lett. 32 (22). Woth, Katja; Weisse, Ralf; Storch, Hans von (2006): Climate change and North Sea storm surge extremes: an ensemble study of storm surge extremes expected in a changed climate projected by four different regional climate models. In: Ocean Dynamics 56 (1), S. 3–15. Yi, Xing; Weisse, Ralf (2021): Modellgestützte Untersuchungen zum Einfluss großräumiger Faktoren auf die Tidedynamik in der Deutschen Bucht. In: Die Küste 89. Karlsruhe: Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau. S. 173-191. Zahn, Matthias; Storch, Hans von (2008): A long-term climatology of North Atlantic polar lows. In: Geophys. Res. Lett. 35 (22). Zahn, Matthias; Storch, Hans von (2010): Decreased frequency of North Atlantic polar lows associated with future climate warming. In: Nature 467 (7313), S. 309–312.
Other application
Bömer, J.; N. Brodersen D. Hunke V. Schüler H. Günther R. Weisse J. Fischer M. Schäffer H. Gaßner: Nutzung der Meeresenergie in Deutschland. Endbericht. Bömer, J.; N. Brodersen D. Hunke V. Schüler H. Günther R. Weisse J. Fischer M. Schäffer H. Gaßner: Ocean Energy in Germany. Executive Summary. Callies, Ulrich; Plüß, Andreas; Kappenberg, Jens; Kapitza, Hartmut (2011): Particle tracking in the vicinity of Helgoland, North Sea: a model comparison. In: Ocean Dynamics 61 (12), S. 2121–2139. Chrastansky, Alena; Callies, Ulrich (2009): Model-based long-term reconstruction of weather-driven variations in chronic oil pollution along the German North Sea coast. In: Marine Pollution Bulletin 58 (7), S. 967–975. Chrastansky, Alena; Callies, Ulrich; Fleet, David M. (2009): Estimation of the impact of prevailing weather conditions on the occurrence of oil-contaminated dead birds on the German North Sea coast. In: Environmental Pollution 157 (1), S. 194–198. Gaslikova, L.; Schwerzmann, A.; Raible, C. C.; Stocker, T. F. (2011): Future storm surge impacts on insurable losses for the North Sea region. In: Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 11 (4), S. 1205–1216. Geyer, Beate; Weisse, Ralf; Bisling, Peter; Winterfeldt, Joerg (2015): Climatology of North Sea wind energy derived from a model hindcast for 1958–2012. In: Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 147, S. 18–29. Li, Delei; Geyer, B.; Bisling, P. (2016): A model-based climatology analysis of wind power resources at 100-m height over the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea. Applied Energy; doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.07.010 Marx, Janina (2010): Langzeitige Variabilität des Wellenenergiepotenzials in der Nordsee. Masterarbeit. Sothmann, J.; Dagmar Schuster Jens Kappenberg Nino Ohle: Efficiency of artificial sandbanks in the mouth of the Elbe Estuary for damping the incoming tidal energy. In: 5th SCACR - International Short Conference on APPLIED COASTAL RESEARCH, Proceedings, 6 - 9 June, 2011, Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management, RWTH Aachen University, Germany. Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd, Aurel Schwerzmann &. Jens Mehlhorn (2009): The effects of climate change: An increase in coastal flood damage in Northern Europe. In: Focus Report; Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd. Weisse, Ralf; Bisling, Peter; Gaslikova, Lidia; Geyer, Beate; Groll, Nikolaus; Hortamani, Mahboubeh et al. (2015): Climate services for marine applications in Europe. In: Earth Perspectives 2 (1), S. 1–14. Weisse, Ralf; Storch, Hans von; Callies, Ulrich; Chrastansky, Alena; Feser, Frauke; Grabemann, Iris et al. (2009): Regional Meteorological–Marine Reanalyses and Climate Change Projections. In: Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. 90 (6), S. 849–860. Wiese, Frauke: Auswirkungen der Offshore-Windenergie auf den Betrieb von Kohlekraftwerken in Brunsbüttel. Diplomarbeit. Wiese, Frauke: renpass Renewable Energy Pathways Simulation System - Open Source as an approach to meet challenges in energy modeling. PhD Thesis. Wöckner-Kluwe, K.; Jörn Langheinrich Thomas Stoye: Anwendungsprojekt 15: Integration von Umweltdaten der Ostsee in die routenspezifische Optimierung von Schiffsentwürfen.
Meinke, Insa (2011): Klimabericht für die Metropolregion Hamburg - Ein Auszug. Meinke, Insa (2011): Klimaszenarien in der Praxis - Beispiel Norddeutschland. Meinke, Insa et al (2012): Nordseesturmfluten im Klimawandel. Meinke, Insa et al (2014): Norddeutscher Klimamonitor - Klimazustand und Klimaentwicklung in Norddeutschland innerhalb der letzten 60 Jahre. Meinke, Insa; Reckermann, Marcus (2012): Ostseeküste im Klimawandel. Storch, Hans von; Meinke, Insa (2008): Regional climate offices and regional assessment reports needed. Nature Geoscience 1, 78 Storch, Hans von; Emeis, Kay; Meinke, Insa; Kannen, Andreas; Matthias, Volker; Ratter, Beate M.W et al. (2015): Making coastal research useful – cases from practice. In: Oceanologia 57 (1), S. 3–16. Teutsch, Ina; Groll, Nikolaus (2024): Seegangsbetrachtung zum Untergang der MS “ME-LANIE SCHULTE” im Jahr 1952. Die Küste, 93 Weisse, Ralf et al (2014): coastDat Broschüre.
Master & PhD Thesis
Meese, Michael, 2015: Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Seegangsklimatologie der Ostsee im 21. Jahrhundert - Analyse anhand eines Ensembles von vier Klimaszenarien, Universität Osnabrück Marx, Janina, 2010: Langzeitige Variabilität des Wellenenergiepotenzials in der Nordsee. Masterarbeit. Institut für Physiogeographie und Umweltwandel
Departement Umweltwissenschaften, Universität Basel Bierstedt, Svenja E.: Decadal to centennial variability of daily wind over Northern Europe and its application to migrating dunes in the Baltic Sea region Schenk, Frederik (2015): The analog-method as statistical upscaling tool for meteorological field reconstructions over Northern Europe since 1850 Oliver Krüger, 2014: The Informational Value of Pressure-Based Proxies for Past Storm Activity. University Hamburg. HZG Report 2014-5 Weidemann, Hendrik, 2014: Klimatologie der Ostseewasserstände: Eine Rekonstruktion von 1948 bis 2011. University of Hamburg Winterfeldt, Jörg,2008: Comparison of measured and simulated wind speed data in the North Atlantic, Universität Hamburg, GKSS-2008-2 Zahn, Matthias, 2008: Trends and variability in extratropical mesoscale cyclones - development of a climatology of North Atlantic polar lows Feser, Frauke, 2005: Spatial Scale Separation in Regional
Climate Modelling, Universität Hamburg Woth, Katja, 2005: Regionalization of global climate change scenarios:
An ensemble study of possible changes in the North
Sea storm surge statistics, Universität Hamburg
Other external publication
Antje Gimpel, Vanessa Stelzenmüller, Britta Grote, Bela H. Buck, Jens Floeter
Ismael Núñez-Riboni, Bernadette Pogoda, Axel Temming, 2015: A GIS modelling framework to evaluate marine spatial planning scenarios: Co-location of offshore wind farms and aquaculture in the German EEZ Mohr, S., M. Kunz, and B. Geyer (2015): Hail potential in Europe based on a regional climate model hindcast, Geophys. Res. Lett., 42, 1–9
External PhD, Master and Bachelor theses
Teich, Tobias, 2016: Analyse langfristiger Veränderungen von anwendungsrelevanten Seegangszuständen in der Nordsee. Masterarbeit am Leichtweiß-Institut für Wasserbau, Fachbereich Bauingenieurwesen, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany, M-2/2016. Meyer, Maybritt, 2016: Überprüfung des Luft-Wasser CO2 Flusses nach Thomas et al. 2004 unter Benutzung der coastDat Winddaten, Bachelorarbeit am Institut für Meereskunde, Universität Hamburg Wette, Laura, 2016: Der Einfluss der Hydrodynamik auf das Verbreitungsmuster von Seegraswiesen im
nördlichen Wattenmeer – ein Machine-Learning-Ansatz zur Auswertung von Langzeitdaten. Masterarbeit
Im Ein-Fach-Masterstudiengang Umweltgeographie und –management der Mathematisch- Naturwissenschaftlichen-Fakultät der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel Rospunt, Tim, 2016: 2D-depth-averaged numerical simulations of sea and
ship wave propagations for Hooksiel harbour to
estimate wave loads on harbour structures, Masterarbeit am Franzius-Institut
für Wasserbau, Ästuar- und Küsteningenieurwesen, Leibniz Universität Hannover Wiese, Frauke, 2015: renpass - Renewable Energy Pathways Simulation System - Open Source as an approach to meet challenges in energy modeling Runte, Jan F., 2014: Eine Analyse ausgewählter Installationsmethoden von Gründungspfählen für die Offshore-Windenergieanlagen vor dem Hintergrund zukünftiger Wind-und Seegangsverhältnisse in der deutschen Nordsee; Institut für Wasserbau, Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg & Bilifinger Construction GmbH, Marine and Offshore Works Ritter, Josias, 2014: Wave Energy Converters-A methodology for estimating the theoretically harvestable power in sheltered sea areas; Technische Universität München, Department of Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering Mohr, Susanna, 2013: Änderung des Gewitter- und Hagelpotentials im Klimawandel. Dissertation, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie Wiese, Frauke, 2008: Auswirkungen der Offshore-Windenergie auf den Betrieb von Kohlekraftwerken in Brunsbüttel. Diplomarbeit. Universität und Fachhochschule Flensburg, Energie- und Umweltmanagement