
The core of EURO-CORDEX consists of the simulations provided by the participating groups. The following list gives an overview on the planned, running, and finished simulations. Currently, only dynamical regional climate simulations are listed, but we aim to extent the EURO-CORDEX simulations also to empirical-statistical methods. If you have updates for this list, please send them to:

What is distillation?

While there isn't a single definition of the concept of distillation, its central notion revolves around constructing regional climate information that is usable, robust, and reliable for decision-making (e.g. Giorgi 2020). According to the IPCC AR6 (Doblas-Reyes et al. 2021), distillation is understood as the process of synthesizing information about climate change from different lines of evidence obtained from a variety of sources (observations, models, literature, process understanding, experts) and taking into account the user context and the values of all relevant actors.

EURO-CORDEX Climate Information Distillation (CID) working group

Climate Information Distillation emerged as the scientific community acknowledged the challenges that users face when adopting climate data in decision-making contexts (Jacob et al. 2020). Given the vast amounts of climate information produced and the multiplicity of messages, users may be inadequately prepared to incorporate state-of-the-art climate information or may make inappropriate decisions if messages from limited, non-robust, unreliable subsets of data are adopted (Fernández et al. 2019). The working group aims to tackle the issue of CID, through a multidisciplinary approach bringing together dynamical and statistical downscaling researchers from EURO-CORDEX, but also global climate modelers, atmospheric dynamicists, climate service providers and philosophers.


Jesus Fernandez

Instituto de Física de Cantabria (IFCA), CSIC-Universidad de Cantabria

E-mail contact

Sven Kotlarski


E-mail contact

Douglas Maraun

Wegener Center / Univ. Graz, IPCC

E-mail contact


  • EURO-CORDEX Distillation Workshop, 25 January 2024, Hamburg (14th EURO-CORDEX annual meeting 2024)

Related activities

List of Simulations (30.01.2018)