About SOMaR

Radar Logo SOMaR-4 Workshop Horstmann

The series of international workshops entitled “Sensing the Ocean with Marine Radar” (SOMaR) have focused on the scientific aspects of marine radar ocean applications and have provided a forum for researchers to discuss their results, swap data and algorithms, and identify priorities for future research.

The format of the meetings is truly a workshop, with lengthy discussions, real-time swapping of speakers during presentation to show various data, and attempts to build consensus among researchers concerning data analysis and future research directions.

As with past workshops, we encourage researchers to give presentations on their current research and participate in the discussions. Since it is truly a workshop the presentations will be very informal, and you can leave out the introduction and background and go straight to the description of the approach, data results, and what you see as the issues and future directions.

Feel free to show unpolished, data-only, viewgraphs.