About Us
Christian Lucas - Researcher

Christian Lucas studied Computer Science at the Universities of Paderborn, Leipzig and Oklahoma. From mid-2016 until March, he has been a doctoral student of the Medical Deep Learning group (Prof. Mattias Heinrich) at the University of Lübeck working on machine learning for the prediction of the stroke lesion outcome based on multivariate CT, MR and clinical data. He now is associated with the MDLMA project aiming to use deep learning techniques to improve multi-task analysis of the various multi-modal image data that is being collected of the biomaterials. Christian Lucas’ current research interests are in machine learning for disease progression, domain adaptation and modality transfer.
email Christian Lucas
Dr. Julian Moosmann - Postdoctoral Researcher

Julian Moosmann studied physics and received his PhD at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). In 2015, he became a postdoctoral fellow at the medical imaging group at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. In 2016, he joined the Institute of Metallic Biomaterials at the outpost of Hereon at DESY. At the division Metallic Biomaterials, he investigates the failure of biodegradable implants in bone within the SynchroLoad project (BMBF project number 05K16CGA). In 2019, he joined the division "Materials Physics". Within the I2B project PHASE3 he is working on grating-based phase contrast tomography. Within MDLMA he is coordinating the scientific exchange between partners (UzL, DESY, Syntellix, Hereon). His research interests include X-ray imaging, tomography, phase contrast, image processing and machine/deep learning.
email Dr. Julian Moosmann
Prof. Dr. Regine Willumeit-Römer - Head of Institute of Metallic Biomaterials

Physics studies in Hamburg with dissertation on the structure of ribosomes studied using neutron- and synchrotronradiation. Habilitation in biochemistry at the University of Hamburg as well. The expertise on structural biology was expanded to include the development of biomaterials by investigating biological interface phenomena and implant surface modifications using biomimetic coatings. The current focus of research is set on biodegradable magnesium implants, ranging from fundamental research to clinical applications.
Institute of Metallic Biomaterials