Ausgewählte Veröffentlichungen
• Martinez-Sanchez, A. H., Feyerabend, F., Laipple, D., Willumeit-Römer, R., Weinberg, A., Luthringer, B. J. (2017): Chondrogenic differentiation of ATDC5-cells under the influence of Mg and Mg alloy degradation. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 72, 378-388.
• Myrissa, A., Braeuer, S., Martinelli, E., Willumeit-Römer, R., Goessler, W., Weinberg, A.M. (2017): Gadolinium accumulation in organs of Sprague-Dawley® rats after implantation of a biodegradable magnesium-gadolinium alloy. Acta Biomaterialia 48, 521-529.
• Yang Lei, Liangong Ma, Yuanding Huang, Frank Feyerabend, Carsten Blawert, Daniel Höche, Regine Willumeit-Römer, Erlin Zhang, Karl Ulrich Kainer, Norbert Hort (2017): Influence of Dy in solid solution on the bio-corrosion behaviour of binary Mg-Dy alloys. Materials Science and Engineering C (accepted).
• Luthringer, B.J.C.; Willumeit-Roemer, R. (2016): Effect of magnesium degradation products on mesenchymal stem cell fate and osteoblastogenesis. Gene 575(1):9-20.
• Maier P., Jorge Gonzalez, R. Peters, F. Feyerabend, T. Ebel and N. Hort (2016): Degradation morphology and pitting factor compared to degradation rate. European Cells and Materials 32(S6):22.
• Kwiatkowski M. et al (2015): Ultrafast Extraction of Proteins from Tissues Using Desorption by Impulsive Vibrational Excitation. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 54:285-288.
• Martinez Sanchez A. H. et al. (2015): Mg and Mg alloys: How comparable are in vitro and in vivo corrosion rates? - A review. Acta Biomaterialia 13:16-31.
• Bartsch I. et al (2014): Non-invasive pH determination adjacent to degradable biomaterials in vivo. Acta Biomat 10: 34-39.
• Maier P. et al. (2014): Influence of Nd in extruded Mg10Gd base alloys on fatigue strength. Materials Science Forum 783-786 419-424.
• Steurer S. et al. (2014): MALDI imaging–based identification of prognostically relevant signals in bladder cancer using large-scale tissue microarrays. In Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations (Vol. 32, No. 8, pp. 1225-1233). Elsevier.
• Willumeit R. et al. (2014): Optimization of cell adhesion on Mg based implant materials by pre-incubation under cell culture conditions. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 15(5):7639-7650.
• Maier P. et al. (2013): Tailoring properties of cast Mg10Gd by alloying Nd and heat treatment. Emerging Materials Research Vol 2 - Special Issue Mg Alloys 229–238.
• Schlüter K. et al. (2013): Mechanical properties and corrosion behaviour of freestanding, precipitate-free magnesium WE43 thin films. Int. J. of Mat. Res. 104(3):286-292.
• Tie D. et al. (2013): Antibacterial Biodegradable Mg-Ag Biomaterials. European Cells and Materials 25:284-298.
Details und eine Liste von Publikationen und Abschlussarbeiten, die dem VI zuzuordnen sind, finden Sie hier unter den entsprechenden Reitern:
- Burmester Anna, Regine Willumeit-Römer, Frank Feyerabend:
Behavior of bone cells in contact to magnesium implant material. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research B,105(1):165-179.
DOI: 10.1002/jbm.b.33542 - Dahms, Michael, Daniel Höche, Nezha Ahmad Agha, Frank Feyerabend, Regine Willumeit-Römer:
A simple model for long-time degradation of magnesium under physiological conditions. Materials and Corrosion.
DOI: 10.1002/maco.201709461 - Marco Iñigo, Anastasia Myrissa, Elisabeth Martinelli, Frank Feyerabend, Regine Willumeit-Römer, Annelie Martina Weinberg, Omer van der Biest:
In vivo and in vitro biodegradation comparison of pure Mg, Mg10Gd and Mg2Ag: a short term study. European Cells and Materials 33:90-104.
DOI:10.22M20g3 d/eeCgrMad.va0ti3o3na 0co7 - Martinez-Sanchez, A. H., Feyerabend, F., Laipple, D., Willumeit-Römer, R., Weinberg, A., Luthringer, B. J.:
Chondrogenic differentiation of ATDC5-cells under the influence of Mg and Mg alloy degradation. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 72, 378-388.
- Mohedano, M., B.J.C. Luthringer, B. Mingo, F. Feyerabend, R. Arrabal, P. J. Sanchez-Egido, C. Blawert, R. Willumeit-Römer, M.L. Zheludkevich, E. Matykina:
Bioactive plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings on Mg-Ca alloy to control degradation behavior. Surface and Coatings Technology 315, 454-467.
- Myrissa, A., Braeuer, S., Martinelli, E., Willumeit-Römer, R., Goessler, W., Weinberg, A.M.:
Gadolinium accumulation in organs of Sprague-Dawley® rats after implantation of a biodegradable magnesium-gadolinium alloy. Acta Biomaterialia 48, 521-529.
DOI: 10.1016/j.actbio.2016.11.024 - Vlček, Marián, Lukáč, František, Kudrnová, Hana, Smola, Bohumil, Stulíková, Ivana, Luczak, Monika, Szakács, Gábor, Hort, Norbert, Willumeit-Römer, Regine:
Microhardness and In Vitro Corrosion of Heat-Treated Mg–Y–Ag Biodegradable Alloy. Materials 2017, 10(1):55.
DOI: 10.3390/ma10010055 - Yang Lei, Liangong Ma, Yuanding Huang, Frank Feyerabend, Carsten Blawert, Daniel Höche, Regine Willumeit-Römer, Erlin Zhang, Karl Ulrich Kainer, Norbert Hort:
Influence of Dy in solid solution on the bio-corrosion behaviour of binary Mg-Dy alloys. Materials Science and Engineering C (accepted).
- Zaatreh Sarah, Haffner David, Strauß Madlen, Wegner Katharina, Warkentin Mareike, Lurtz Claudia, Zamponi Christiane, Mittelmeier Wolfram, Kreikemeyer Bernd, Willumeit-Römer Regine, Quandt Eckhard, Bader Rainer:
Fast corroding, thin magnesium coating displays antibacterial effects and low cytotoxicity. Biofouling 33(4):294-305.
DOI: 10.1080/08927014.2017.1303832 - Zaatreh Sarah, David Haffner, Madlen Strauss, Thomas Dauben, Christiane Zamponi, Wolfram Mittelmeier, Eckhard Quandt, Bernd Kreikemeyer, Rainer Bader (2017). Thin magnesium layer confirmed as an antibacterial and biocompatible implant coating in a co‑culture model. Molecular Medicine Reports, 15(4), 1624-1630.
- Ahmad Agha Nezha, Frank Feyerabend, Boriana Mihailova, Stefanie Heidrich, Ulrich Bismayer, Regine Willumeit:
Magnesium Degradation Influenced by Buffering Salts in Concentrations Typical of In vitro and In vivo Models. Materials Science and Engineering C 58, 817-825.
- Ahmad Agha Nezha, Regine Willumeit-Römer, Daniel Laipple, Bérengère Luthringer, Frank Feyerabend: The Degradation Interface of Magnesium Based Alloys in Direct Contact with Human Primary Osteoblasts. Cells. PloS one 11(6): e0157874.
- Cecchinato, F, Agha, N. A. Martinez-Sanchez, A. H, Luthringer, B. J, Feyerabend, F, Jimbo, R. Willumeit-Romer, R. Wennerberg, A: Influence of Magnesium Alloy Degradation on Undifferentiated Human Cells. PLoS One. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0142117
- Galli Silvia, Jörg U. Hammel, Julia Herzen, Timo Damm, Ryo Jimbo, Felix Beckmann, Ann Wennerberg, Regine Willumeit-Römer: Evaluation of the degradation behavior of resorbable metal implants for in vivo osteosynthesis by synchrotron radiation based x-ray tomography and histology. Proc. SPIE 9967, Developments in X-Ray Tomography X, 996704. DOI:10.1117/12.2237563
- Jähn Katharina, Hiroaki Saito, Hanna Taipaleenmäki, Andreas Gasser, Norbert Hort, Frank Feyerabend, Hartmut Schlüter, Johannes M. Rueger, Wolfgang Lehmann, Regine Willumeit-Römer, Eric Hesse: Intramedullary Mg-2Ag nails augment callus formation during fracture healing in mice. Acta Biomaterialia 36, 350-360.
- Kieke Marc, Frank Feyerabend, Jacques Lemaitre, Peter Behrens, Regine Willumeit-Römer: Degradation Rates and Products of pure Magnesium in Different Aqueous Media under Physiological Conditions. BioNanoMaterials17(3-4):131-143.
DOI: 10.1515/bnm-2015-0020 - Lu, Yiyi, Yuanding Huang, Frank Feyerabend, Regine Willumeit-Römer, Karl Urich Kainer, Norbert Hort:
In vitro corrosion and cytocompatibility properties of Mg-2Gd-X(Ag, Ca) alloys. Magnesium Technology 2016 (2016): 347-351.
- Luthringer, B.J.C.; Willumeit-Roemer, R.: Effect of magnesium degradation products on mesenchymal stem cell fate and osteoblastogenesis. Gene Vol. 575 (2016) 1, 9 - 20.
DOI: 10.1016/j.gene.2015.08.028 - Maier P., Jorge Gonzalez, R. Peters, F. Feyerabend, T. Ebel and N. Hort: Degradation morphology and pitting factor compared to degradation rate. European Cells and Materials 32(S6):22.
- Marco Iñigo, Frank Feyerabend, Regine Willumeit-Römer, Omer Van der Biest: Degradation testing of Mg alloys in Dulbecco's modified eagle medium: Influence of medium sterilization. Materials Science and Engineering C 62, 68-78.
- Mostofi, S; Bonyadi Rad, E; Wiltsche, H; Fasching, U; Szakacs, G; Ramskogler, C; Srinivasaiah, S; Ueçal, M; Willumeit, R; Weinberg, AM; Schaefer, U.: Effects of Corroded and Non-Corroded Biodegradable Mg and Mg Alloys on Viability, Morphology and Differentiation of MC3T3-E1 Cells Elicited by Direct Cell/Material Interaction. PLoS ONE 11(7): e0159879.
- Myrissa Anastasia, Nezha Ahmad Agha, Yiyi Lu, Elisabeth Martinelli, Johannes Eichler, Gábor Szakács, Claudia Kleinhans, Regine Willumeit-Römer, Ute Schäfer, Annelie-Martina Weinberg:
In vitro and in vivo comparison of binary Mg alloys and pure Mg Materials. Science and Engineering: C 61:865-874.
- Nidadavolu Eshwara Phani Shubhakar, Frank Feyerabend, Thomas Ebel, Regine Willumeit-Römer and Michael Dahms: On the Determination of Magnesium Degradation Rates under Physiological Conditions. Materials 2016, 9(8):627.
DOI:10.3390/ma9080627 - Steinacker A., C.L. Mendis, M. Mohedano, F. Feyerabend, M. Stekker, P. Maier, K.U. Kainer, N. Hort: Microstructure evolution and corrosion behaviour of the biodegradable EZK1110 alloy. European Cells and Materials 32(S6):11.
- Wolff Martin, Johannes G. Schaper, Marc René Suckert, Michael Dahms, Thomas Ebel, Regine Willumeit-Römer, Thomas Klassen: Magnesium Powder Injection Molding (MIM) of Orthopedic Implants for Biomedical Applications. JOM 68(4):1191-1197.
DOI: 10.1007/s11837-016-1837-x - Zaatreh, Sarah, Katharina Wegner, Madlen Strauß, Juliane Pasold, Wolfram Mittelmeier, Andreas Podbielski, Bernd Kreikemeyer, Rainer Bader:
Co-Culture of S. epidermidis and Human Osteoblasts on Implant Surfaces: An Advanced In Vitro Model for Implant-Associated Infections. PloS one 11, no. 3 (2016): e0151534. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0151534
- Ahmad Agha Nezha, Frank Feyerabend, Boriana Mihailova, Stefanie Heidrich, Ulrich Bismayer, Regine Willumeit:
Magnesium Degradation Influenced by Buffering Salts in Concentrations Typical of In vitro and In vivo Models. Materials Science and Engineering C 58, 817-825. DOI:
- Bartkowiak K., Kwiatkowski M., Buck F., Gorges T.M., Nilse L., Assmann V., Andreas A., Müller V., Wikman H., Riethdorf S., Schlüter H., Pantel K.:
Disseminated Tumor Cells Persist in the Bone Marrow of Breast Cancer Patients through Sustained Activation of the Unfolded Protein Response. Cancer Res. 2015 Dec 15;75(24):5367-77
- Burmester Anna, Regine Willumeit-Römer, Frank Feyerabend:
Behavior of bone cells in contact to magnesium implant material. Journal of Biomedical Materials Part B, e pub: 7 Oct 2015, DOI: 10.1002/jbm.b.33542
- Cecchinato Francesca, Nezha Ahmad, Adela Martinez, Berengere Luthringer, Frank Feyerabend, Ann Wennerberg, Ryo Jimbo, Regine Willumeit:
Influence of binary magnesium alloys corrosion on morphology and adhesion of human undifferentiated cells. PLOS One 10 (11), e0142117. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0142117
- Dreher W., M. Meier:
1H NMR spectroscopy in inhomogeneous B0 fields using localized constant time spin echo correlation spectroscopy (L-CT-SECSY). Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine, October 2015, Volume 28, Issue 1, p 301, DOI: 10.1007/s10334-015-0489-0
- Feyerabend Frank, Hans-Peter Wendel, Boriana Mihailova, Stefanie Heidrich, Nezha Ahmad Agha, Ulrich Bismayer, Regine Willumeit-Römer:
Blood compatibility of magnesium and its alloys. Acta Biomaterialia 25: 384-394
- Hofstetter, J; Martinelli, E; Weinberg, AM; Becker, M; Mingler, B; Uggowitzer, PJ; Loffler, JF:
Assessing the degradation performance of ultrahigh-purity magnesium in vitro and in vivo. CORROS SCI. 2015; 91: 29-36
- Kieke Marc, Frank Feyerabend, Jacques Lemaitre, Peter Behrens, Regine Willumeit-Römer: Degradation Rates and Products of pure Magnesium in Different Aqueous Media under Physiological Conditions. BioNanoMaterials, DOI: 10.1515/bnm-2015-0020.
- Kwiatkowski M, Wurlitzer M, Omidi M, Ren L, Kruber S, Nimer R, Robertson W, Horst A, Miller RJD, Schlüter H.:
Ultrafast Extraction of Proteins from Tissues Using Desorption by Impulsive Vibrational Excitation. Angewandte Chemie International Edition (2015) 54: 285-288. DOI: 10.1002/anie.201407669
- Lu Y., Y. Huang, F. Feyerabend, R. Willumeit, K. U. Kainer, N. Hort:
Properties of pure Mg and low concentrated binary Mg-(Gd,Ag, Ca) alloys. European Cells and Materials, accepted
- Maier P, C. Mendis, M. Wolff and N. Hort:
Twinning assisted crack propagation of Magnesium-Rare Earth casting and wrought alloys under bending. Materials Science Forum, Vol. 828-829, Editors: H.K. Chikwanda and S. Chikosha (2015) 311-317
- Maier P, G. Szakács, M. Wala and N. Hort:
Mechanical and corrosive properties of two magnesium wires: Mg4Gd and Mg6Ag. Magnesium Technology 2015, ISBN: 978-1-119-08243-9, Editors: M.V. Manuel; A. Singh; M. Alderman; N.R. Neelameggham (2015) 393-398
- Martinez Sanchez A. H., Bérengère Luthringer; Frank Feyerabend; Regine Willumeit-Römer:
Mg and Mg alloys: How comparable are in vitro and in vivo corrosion rates? - A review. Acta Biomaterialia (2015) 13, 16-31
- Meier M., D. Haake:
Longitudinal measurement of tissue perfusion in a rat model of magnesium based implants using arterial spin labeling. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine, October 2015, Vol. 28(1), p 369, DOI: 10.1007/s10334-015-0489-0
- Steffen P., Kwiatkowski M., Robertson W.D., Zarrine-Afsar A., Deterra D., Richter V., Schlüter H.J.:
Protein species as diagnostic markers. Proteomics 2015 Dec 23. pii: S1874-3919(15)30213-X. doi: 10.1016/j.jprot.2015.12.015. [Epub ahead of print] Review. PMID: 26721442
- Thottakara T., Friedrich F.W., Reischmann S., Braumann S., Schlossarek S., Krämer E., Juhr D., Schlüter H., van der Velden J., Münch J., Patten M., Eschenhagen T., Moog-Lutz C., Carrier L.:
The E3 ubiquitin ligase Asb2β is downregulated in a mouse model of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and targets desmin for proteasomal degradation. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2015 Oct;87:214-24
- Vano-Herrera K., Misiun A., and Vogt C.:
Preparation and characterization of poly(lactic acid)/poly(methyl methacrylate) blend tablets for application in quantitative analysis by micro Raman spectroscopy. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 46, no. 2 (2015): 273-279, doi: 10.1002/jrs.4603.
- Viala V.L., Hildebrand D., Fucase T.M., Sciani J.M., Prezotto-Neto J.P., Riedner M., Sanches L., Nishimura P.J., Oguiura N., Pimenta D.C., Schlüter H., Betzel C., Arni R.K., Spencer P.J.:
Proteomic analysis of the rare Uracoan rattlesnake Crotalus vegrandis venom: Evidence of a broad arsenal of toxins. Toxicon. 2015 Dec 1;107(Pt B):234-51
- Viala V.L., Hildebrand D., Trusch M., Fucase T.M., Sciani J.M., Pimenta D.C., Arni R.K., Schlüter H., Betzel C., Mirtschin P., Dunstan N., Spencer P.J.:
Venomics of the Australian eastern brown snake (Pseudonaja textilis): Detection of new venom proteins and splicing variants. Toxicon. 2015 Dec 1;107(Pt B):252-65
- Wiese B., N. Hort, H. Dieringa, K. U. Kainer: Schutz von Magnesiumschmelzen / Protection of Magnesium Melt. GIESSEREI-PRAXIS 12/2015
- Wu, Lili, Frank Feyerabend, Arndt F. Schilling, Regine Willumeit-Römer, and Bérengère JC Luthringer:
Effects of extracellular magnesium extract on the proliferation and differentiation of human osteoblasts and osteoclasts in coculture. Acta biomaterialia 27 (2015): 294-304.
- Maier P., R. Erdmann, R. Tesch, G. Szakács, N. Hort
Influence of corrosion on mechanical properties of Mg5Gd wire European Cells & Materials, 28 Suppl. 3 (2014) 36
- Hort N., B. Wiese, M. Wolff, T. Ebel, P. Maier
Stiffness of metals, alloys and components European Cells & Materials 28 Suppl. 3 (2014) 1
- Maier P., G. Tober C.L. Mendis, S. Müller and N. Hort
Influence of Nd in extruded Mg10Gd base alloys on fatigue strength Materials Science Forum, 2014. Trans Tech Publ, 419-424 p.
- Tie D., F. Feyerabend , N. Hort , D. l Hoeche , K. U. Kainer , R. Willumeit , W. D. Mueller
In vitro Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of Biodegradable Mg-Ag Alloys Materials and Corrosion 65 (6), 569-576 (2014) DOI: 10.1002/maco.201206903
- Dohler F, Sepulveda-Falla D, Krasemann S, Altmeppen H, Schlüter H. Hildebrand D, Zerr I, Matschke J, Glatzel M.
High molecular mass assemblies of amyloid-ß oligomers bind prion protein in Alzheimer diseased brain. Brain 2014; 137:873-86.
- Beeken M, Lindenmeyer MT, Blattner SM, Radón V, Oh J, Meyer TN, Hildebrand D, Schlüter H, Reinicke AT, Knop JH, Vivekanandan-Giri A, Münster S, Sachs M, Wiech T, Pennathur S, Cohen CD, Kretzler M, Stahl RA, Meyer-Schwesinger C.
Alterations in the Ubiquitin Proteasome System in Persistent but Not Reversible Proteinuric Diseases. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (2014) ASN. 2013050522.
- Steurer S, Seddiqi AS, Singer JM, Bahar AS, Eichelberg C, Rink M, Dahlem R, Huland H, Sauter G, Simon R, Minner S, Burandt E, Stahl PR, Schlomm T, Wurlitzer M, Schlüter H.
MALDI imaging on tissue microarrays identifies molecular features associated with renal cell cancer phenotype. Anticancer Res. 2014 May;34(5):2255-61.
- Christner M, Trusch M, Rohde H, Kwiatkowski M, Schlüter H, Wolters M, Aepfelbacher M, Hentschke M.
Rapid MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry Strain Typing during a Large Outbreak of Shiga-Toxigenic Escherichia coli. PLoS One. 2014 Jul 8;9(7):e101924.
- Viala VL, Hildebrand D, Trusch M, Arni RK, Pimenta DC, Schlüter H, Betzel C, Spencer PJ.
Pseudechis guttatus venom proteome: Insights into evolution and toxin clustering. J Proteomics. 2014 Aug 7. pii: S1874-3919(14)00391-1.
- Steurer S, Singer JM, Rink M, Chun F, Dahlem R, Simon R, Burandt E, Stahl P, Terracciano L, Schlomm T, Wagner W, Höppner W, Omidi M, Kraus O, Kwiatkowski M, Doh O, Fisch M, Soave A, Sauter G, Wurlitzer M, Schlüter H, Minner S.
MALDI imaging-based identification of prognostically relevant signals in bladder cancer using large-scale tissue microarrays.
Urol Oncol. 2014 Aug 14. pii: S1078-1439(14)00213-0.
- Kotasinska M, Richter V, Kwiatkowski M, Schlüter H.
Sample displacement batch chromatography of proteins. Methods Mol Biol. 2014;1129:325-38.
- Schmiesing J, Schlüter H, Ullrich K, Braulke T, Mühlhausen C.
Interaction of Glutaric Aciduria Type 1-Related glutaryl-CoA Dehydrogenase with Mitochondrial Matrix Proteins. PloS One 2014 9: e87715. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0087715.
- Munawar A, Trusch M, Georgieva D, Hildebrand D, Behnken H, Harder S, Arni R, Spencer P, Schlüter H, Betzel C.
Elapid snake venom analyses shows specificity of the peptide composition at the level of genera Naja and Notechis. Toxins. 2014 Feb 28;6(3):850-68.
- Willumeit R., A. Möhring and F. Feyerabend
Optimization of cell adhesion on Mg based implant materials by pre-incubation under cell culture conditions Int. J. Mol. Sci. 15(5), 7639-7650 (2014)
- Bartsch I., E. Willbold, B. Rosenhahn, F. Witte
Non-invasive pH determination adjacent to degradable biomaterials in vivo. Acta Biomat (2014) 10: 34-39
- Pichler, K; Kraus, T; Martinelli, E; Sadoghi, P; Musumeci, G; Uggowitzer, PJ; Weinberg, AM
Cellular reactions to biodegradable magnesium alloys on human growth plate chondrocytes and osteoblasts. Int Orthop. 2014; 38(4):881-889
- Kraus, T; Moszner, F; Fischerauer, S; Fiedler, M; Martinelli, E; Eichler, J; Witte, F; Willbold, E; Schinhammer, M; Meischel, M; Uggowitzer, PJ; Löffler, JF; Weinberg
A Biodegradable Fe-based alloys for use in osteosynthesis: Outcome of an in vivo study after 52 weeks. Acta Biomater. 2014; 10(7):3346-3353
- Kraus, T; Hoermann, S; Ploder, G; Zoetsch, S; Eberl, R; Singer, G
Elastic stable intramedullary nailing versus Kirschner wire pinning: outcome of severely displaced proximal humeral fractures in juvenile patients. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2014; 70(5) 1462–1467.
- Celarek, A; Fischerauer, SF; Weinberg, AM; Tschegg, EK
Fracture patterns of the growth plate and surrounding bone in the ovine knee joint at different ages. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater. 2014; 29(3):286-294
- Pichler, K; Fischerauer, S; Ferlic, P; Martinelli, E; Brezinsek, HP; Uggowitzer, PJ; Loffler, JF; Weinberg, AM
Immunological Response to Biodegradable Magnesium Implants. JOM. 2014; 66(4): 573-579
- Maier P., G. Tober, C. L. Mendis, S. Mueller, N. Hort
Influence of Nd in extruded Mg10Gd base alloys on fatigue strength. Materials Science Forum 783-786 (2014) 419-424. DOI:10.4028/
- Feyerabend F. (2014)
In vitro analysis of magnesium corrosion in orthopaedic biomaterials. Peter Dubruel and S. V. Vlierberghe (editors): Biomaterials for bone regeneration: novel techniques and applications. Pages 225-269. ISBN: 978-0-85709-804-7,
- Burmester A., B. Luthringer, Willumeit Regine, F. Feyerabend
Comparison of the reaction of bone-derived cells to enhanced MgCl2-salt concentrations. Biomatter 4 (1), e967616 (2014)
- Wu L., Berengere J.C. Luthringer, Frank Feyerabend, Arndt F. Schilling, Regine Willumeit
Effects of extracellular magnesium on the differentiation and function of human osteoclasts. Acta Biomaterialia 10 (6), 2843-2854 (2014)
- Maier P, C.L. Mendis, M. Wolff and N. Hort
Crack Propagation under Bending in Cast Mg10-GdxNd-T4 Alloys.
Magnesium Technology 2014, 16.-20.02.2014, San Diego, USA, ISBN: 978-1-118-88816-2,
Editors: M. Alderman, M.V. Manuel, N. Hort, N.R. Neelameggham (2014) 77-82 - Tober G, P. Maier, S. Müller and N. Hort: Low Cycle Fatigue Properties of Extruded Mg10GdxNd Alloys. Magnesium Technology 2014, 16.-20.02.2014, San Diego, USA,
ISBN: 978-1-118-88816-2,
Editors: M. Alderman, M.V. Manuel, N. Hort, N.R. Neelameggham (2014) 115-120. - Hofstetter, J; Becker, M; Martinelli, E; Weinberg, AM; Mingler, B; Kilian, H; Pogatscher, S; Uggowitzer, PJ; Loffler, JF; High-Strength Low-Alloy (HSLA) Mg-Zn-Ca Alloys with Excellent Biodegradation Performance. JOM. 2014; 66(4): 566-572.
- Luthringer B., Frank Feyerabend, Regine Willumeit-Römer.
Magnesium-based implants: a mini review. Magnesium Research 27 (4), 142-154.
- Maier P., C. L. Mendis, G. Tober, N. Hort
Tailoring properties of cast Mg10Gd by alloying Nd and heat treatment Emerging Materials Research Vol 2 - Special Issue Mg Alloys (2013) 229–238
DOI 10.1680/emr.13.00021 - Hort N., C. L. Mendis, P. Maier
Do we need alloying elements for Mg implant materials? European Cells and Materials 26 Supp. 5 (2013) 1
- Maier P., C. L. Mendis, G. Tober, J. Briesemeister, E. Minciel, N. Hort
Bending strength and crack propagation in cast Mg10Gd influenced by corrosion European Cells and Materials 26 Supp. 5 (2013) 23
- Maier P., C. Mendis, G. Tober and N. Hort
Tailoring mechanical and corrosive properties of cast Mg10Gd by alloying Nd and heat treatment Emerging Materials Research, Vol. 2, Issue 5, (2013) 1-10
- Willumeit R., F. Feyerabend, N. Huber
Magnesium degradation as determined by artificial neural networks. Acta Biomaterialia 9 (10), 8722-8729 (2013)
- Tie D., F. Feyerabend, N. Hort, W.-D. Müller, R. Schade, K. Liefeith, K. U. Kainer, R. Willumeit
Antibacterial Biodegradable Mg-Ag Biomaterials European Cells and Materials 25 (2013) 284-298.
- Feyerabend F., A. Moehring, R. Willumeit
Preincubation increases in vitro cell adhesion to magnesium and its alloys. European cells and Materials 26 (S5) (2013), 41
- Schlüter K., C. Zamponi, J. Hapke, N. Hort, K. U. Kainer, E. Quandt
Mechanical properties and corrosion behaviour of freestanding, precipitate-free magnesium WE43 thin films Int. J. of Mat. Res. 104 3 (2013) 286-292. - 27 –
- Krywka C., J. Keckes, S. Storm, A. Buffet, S.V. Roth, R. Döhrmann, M. Müller
Nanodiffraction at MINAXS (P03) beamline of PETRA III. J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 425, 072021 (2013)
- Quaas A., A.S. Bahar, K. von Loga, A.S. Seddiqi, J.M. Singer, M. Omidi, O. Kraus, M. Kwiatkowski, M. Trusch, S. Minner, E. Burandt, P. Stahl, W. Wilczak, M. Wurlitzer, R. Simon, G. Sauter, A. Marx, H. Schlüter
MALDI imaging on large-scale tissue microarrays identifies molecular features associated with tumour phenotype in oesophageal cancer. Histopathology (2013) 63: 455-462. doi: 10.1111/his.12193. [Epub ahead of print]
- Steurer S., C. Borkowski, S. Odinga, M. Buchholz, C. Koop, H. Huland, M. Becker, M. Witt, D. Trede, M. Omidi, O. Kraus, A.S. Bahar, A.S. Seddiqi, J. M. Singer, M. Kwiatkowski, M. Trusch, R. Simon, M. Wurlitzer, S. Minner, T. Schlomm, G. Sauter, H. Schlüter
MALDI mass spectrometric imaging based identification of clinically relevant signals in prostate cancer using large-scale tissue microarrays.
Int J Cancer. 133 (2013) 920-8.
- Fischerauer, SF; Kraus, T; Wu, X; Tangl, S; Sorantin, E; Hänzi, AC; Löffler, JF; Uggowitzer, PJ; Weinberg, AM
In vivo degradation performance of micro-arc-oxidized magnesium implants: a micro-CT study in rats. Acta Biomater. 2013; 9(2):5411-5420
- Maier P., A. Richter, G. Tober, N. Hort
Effect of Grain Size and Structure, Solid Solution Elements, Precipitates and Twinning on Nanohardness of Mg-RE alloys. Materials Science Forum 765 (2013) 491-495.
Nicht referierte Publikationen
- P. Maier, G. Szakács, N. Hort,
Mechanical and corrosive properties of two Magnesium wires: Mg5Gd and Mg6Ag, M. V. Manuel, M. Alderman, A. Singh, N. R. Neelameggham, Magnesium Technology 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey, USA, 2014, TMS Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, USA, 15.-19.03.2015
- P. Maier, C. L. Mendis, M. Wolff, N. Hort,
Twinning assisted crack propagation of Magnesium-Rare Earth casting and wrought alloys under bending LMT 2015, Int. Conf. on Light Metal Technologies 2015, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, 27.-29.07.2015
- P. Maier, R. Erdmann, R. Tesch, G. Szakács, N. Hort,
Influence of corrosion on mechanical properties of Mg5Gd wire, 6th International Symposium on Biodegradable Metals, Maratea, Italy, 24.-29. August 2014
- P. Maier, C. Mendis, M. Wolff, N. Hort,
Crack Propagation under Bending in Cast Mg10GdxNd-T4 Alloys M. Alderman, M. V. Manuel, N. Hort, N. R. Neelameggham, Magnesium Technology 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey, USA, 2014, TMS Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA, 16.-20.02.2014, ISBN 978-1-118-88816-2, 77-82
- G. Tober, P. Maier, S. Müller, N. Hort,
Low Cycle Fatigue Properties of Extruded Mg10GdxNd Alloys M. Alderman, M. V. Manuel, N. Hort, N. R. Neelameggham, Magnesium Technology 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey, USA, 2014, TMS Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA, 16.-20.02.2014, ISBN 978-1-118-88816-2, 115-120
- P. Maier, A. Richter, G. Tober, N. Hort
Effect of Grain Size and Structure, Solid Solution Elements, Precipitates and Twinning on Nanohardness of Mg-RE alloys Materials Science Forum 765 (2013) 491-495
- Ch. Goepfert, R. Faschian, G. Blume, St. Meyer, A. Dittmann, W. Sass, J. Müller, J.Fischer, F. Feyerabend, R. Pörtner:
A modular flow-chamber bioreactor concept as a tool for continuous 3D-culture Proceedings 23rd ESACT Meeting, Lille, France, June 2013
- Ch Goepfert, Blume G, Faschian R, Meyer St, Schirmer C, Müller-Wichards W, Müller J, Fischer J, Feyerabend F, Pörtner R: A modular flow-chamber bioreactor concept as a tool for continuous 2D- and 3D-cell culture. BMC Proceedings 2013, 7(Suppl 6):P87 (4 December 2013)
- P. Maier, C.L. Mendis, M. Wolff and N. Hort:
Crack Propagation under Bending in Cast Mg10-GdxNd-T4 Alloys, Magnesium Technology 2014, ISBN: 978-1-118- 88816-2, Editors: M. Alderman, M.V. Manuel, N. Hort, N.R. Neelameggham (2014) 77-82
- P. Maier, G. Szakacs and N. Hort:
Mechanical and corrosive properties of two Magnesium wires: Mg5Gd and Mg6Ag, Magnesium Technology 2015, submitted
- C. L. Mendis, P. Maier, S. Mueller, K. U. Kainer, N. Hort,
Microstructure investigation of Mg-10Gd-1La containing alloy subjected to fatigue deformation. Proc. Materials Science and Technology 2013. Montreal (CDN), 27.-31.10.2013, 2013.
- Cesar Augusto Stüpp, Gábor Szakács, Chamini Lakshi Mendis, Felix Gensch, Sören Müller, Frank Feyerabend, Norbert Hort:
Powder metallurgical synthesis of biodegradable Mg-hydroxyapatite composites for biomedical applications TMS 2015 annual meeting and exhibition, 15.-19.03.2015, Orlando, USA.
- Iñigo Marco, Frank Feyerabend, Regine Willumeit, Omer van der Biest:
Influence of testing environment on the resorption behavior of magnesium alloys for bioabsorbable implants TMS 2015 annual meeting and exhibition, 15.-19.03.2015, Orlando, USA.
- S Galli, G Szakács, F Lukáč, M Vlček, R Jimbo, Y Naito, A Wennerberg, J Herzen, J Hammel, R Willumeit (2014)
Osseointegration of resorbable magnesium screws A SRμCT Study. European Cells and Materials 28 (S3), 64.
- I Marco, O van der Biest, F Feyerabend, R Willumeit (2014):
Comparison of the degradation behaviour of binary Mg-Ag and Mg-Gd alloys in PBS and in physiological conditions. European Cells and Materials 28 (S3), 42.
- AH Martínez-Sánchez, F Feyerabend, B Luthringer, R Willumeit (2014):
Effect of magnesium extracts on the chondrogenic differentiation of HUCPV cells. European Cells and Materials 28 (S3), 69.
- Maryam Omidi, Andreas Gasser, Eric Hesse, Annelie Weinberg, Regine Willumeit, Hartmut Schlüter (2014):
Proteomic approaches for studying bone tissue sections. European Cells and Materials 28 (S3), 72.
- H Schlüter, M Omidi, A Burmester, R. Willumeit (2014):
Application of proteomics for investigating the impact of magnesium implants on bone tissue. European Cells and Materials 28 (S3), 51.
- J Niu, D Laipple, F Feyerabend, G Yuan, F Witte (2014):
In vitro study on the corrosion protective effect of cells adhesion on biodegradable Mg-Nd-Zn-Zr alloy. European Cells and Materials 28 (S3), 57.
- R Willumeit-Römer, H-P Wendel, B. Mihailova, N. Ahmad Agha, F Feyerabend (2014):
How does blood contact change Magnesium degradation? European Cells and Materials 28 (S3), 29.
- LL Wu, BJC Luthringer, F Feyerabend, AF Schilling, R Willumeit (2014):
Effects of extracellular magnesium extracts on the proliferation and differentiation of human osteoblast-osteoclast co-cultures. European Cells and Materials 28 (S3), 27.
- N. Hort:
Do we need alloying elements for Mg implant materials? 5th Biometal, 25.-31.08.2013, Umang Island, Indonesia, Key Note Lecture
- R Willumeit:
In vitro strategies to mimic in vivo events after osseous implantation 5th Biometal, 25.-31.08.2013, Umang Island, Indonesia, Key Note Lecture
- F. Feyerabend:
In vitro testing of absorbable magnesium materials with current standards. DIN Workshop: Standardization of Absorbable Metals for Medical Devices, 04.11.2013, Berlin, Germany
- F. Feyerabend (Keynote), R. Willumeit:
Korrosionsuntersuchungen an abbaubaren Implantatmaterialien - ist eine Vorhersage überhaupt möglich?
GfKorr Jahrestagung, 12.-13.11.2013, Frankfurt, Germany
- C.Vogt:
Investigation of coated Mg alloys by IR, Raman, X-ray and Mass spectrometry, 5th Biometal, 25.-31.08.2013, Umang Island, Indonesia - 30 -
- Eichler, J;Kraus, T;Moszner, F;Fischerauer, S;Fiedler, M;Meischel, M;Martinelli, E;Uggowitzer, PJ;Löffler, J;Weinberg, AM.
In vivo corrosion of novel Fe alloys. Beitrag zur Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomaterialien in Erlangen
- N. Hort:
Challenges in the development of degradable Mg implant materials, Thermec 2013, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 02.-06.12.2013, invited keynote
- N. Hort:
Magnesium as a Biodegradable Implant Material - State of the Art, MS&T 2013 Materials Science & Technology 2013, October 27-31, 2013, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, invited keynote
- Burmester, F. Feyerabend, R. Willumeit:
Influence of magnesium extracts on proliferating and differentiating bone-derived cells. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomaterialien, 26.-28.09.2013
- C.Vogt:
Reference samples for quantification of trace elements in biomatrices by solid state spectroscopy, ALTECH 2014, 26.-30.5.2014, Lille, France
- C.Vogt:
Investigation of metallic implant materials by X-ray, mass and Raman spectroscopic methods, ESAS 2014, 16.-21.3.2014, Prag, Tschechien
- C.Vogt:
Calibration strategies for the determination of trace element distribution in biological tissue by LA-ICP-MS, Winter Plasma Conference, 6.-11.1.2014, Amelia Island, FL, USA
- Kraus, T; Martinelli E; Fischerauer, SF; Eichler, J; Uggowitzer, PJ; Löffler, JF; Weinberg, AM
Ultra-pure magnesium alloys for use as biodegradable paediatricosteosynthesic material Proceedings of the 33. Annual Meeting. 2014; -European Paediatric Ortopaedic Society ; 02.04.2014-05.04.2014; Bruges, Belgium
- Eichler, J; Berger, L; Fischerauer, SF; Weiss, B; Celarek, A; Castellani, C; Weinberg, AM; Tschegg, E:
Biomechanical comparison of fatigue and load-bearing performance of locked and unlocked elastic stable intramedullary nailing Proceedings of the 33rd annual meeting 2014; -European Pediatric Orthopaedic Society; APR 2-5, 2014; Bruges, Belgium
- Y. Lu, Y. Huang, F. Feyerabend, R. Willumeit, K. U. Kainer, N. Hort,
Properties of binary Mg-X(Gd, Ag, Ca) alloys developed for biomedical applications. Postervortrag, Junior Euromat, 21.-25-07.2014, Lausanne, CH
- N. Hort, B. Wiese, M. Wolff, T. Ebel, P Maier,
Stiffness of metals, alloys and components 6th Symposium on Biodegradable Metals, 24.-29.08.2014, Maratea, Italy
- P. Maier, G. Szakacs, N. Hort:
nfluence of corrosion on mechanical properties of Mg5Gd wire. 6th Symposium on Biodegradable Metals, 24.-29.08.2014, Maratea, Italy
- D.C.F. Wieland, D. Kluess E. Mick C. Krywka, R. Willumeit, R. Bader,
Investigation of the Piezoelectric Behaviour in Bones on a Micrometer Length Scale, Photon Science Users Meeting 2014, Hamburg, Germany
- D.C.F. Wieland, D. Kluess E. Mick C. Krywka, R. Willumeit, R. Bader,
Investigation of the Piezoelectric Behaviour in Bones on a Micrometer Length Scale, DPG Frühjahrstagung 2014, Dresden, Germany
- F. Feyerabend:
Degradable implants based on magnesium - what do we need for translation to clinics? Magnesium in Translational Medicine, 11.-15.05.2014, Smolenice, Slovak Republic
- H. Schlüter H. Key-note lecture:
Application of proteomics for investigating the impact of magnesium implants on bone tissue. 6th Symposium on Biodegradable Metals, 24.-29.08.2014, Maratea, Italy.
- K. Jähn, H. Saito:
In vivo Untersuchung Magnesium-basierter Implantate im Frakturmodell der Maus. UCH Vortragsreihe, 12.11.2014.
- P. Maier, C. L. Mendis, M. Wolff, N. Hort,
Twinning assisted crack propagation of Mg-RE casting and wrought alloys under bending. submitted to LMT2015, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, October 2015
- C. A. Stüpp, G. Szakács, C. L. Mendis, F. Gensch, S. Müller, F. Feyerabend, M. Mohedano, N. Hort:
Powder metallurgical synthesis of biodegradable Mg-HA composites for biomedical applications, submitted to LMT 2015, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, October 2015.
- M. Meier:
The pre-clinical challenge in 3D. International Symposium on Applied Bioimaging November, 5-6, 2015 in Porto as a plenary speaker
- Frank Feyerabend:
New approaches for degradation characterization. Magnesium in translational Medicine, 18.-21.02.2016, Liptovsky Mikulas, Slowenien; Keynote Lecture
- Adela Helvia Martinez (2017): Cell reactions to the degradation of Mg-based materials: chondrogenic differentiation.
Dissertation, Universität Hamburg
- Marijam Omidi (2017): Investigation of the Impact of Magnesium Implants on the Proteomes of Bone Cells and Bone Tissue Dissertation, Universität Hamburg
- Sascha Bußacker (2017): Untersuchung mechanischer Eigenschaften eines Titan-Magnesium-Schichtaufbaus.
Bachelorarbeit, HAW Hamburg
- Nezha Ahmad Agha (2016): Biodegradation study on magnesium-based materials under physiological conditions.
Dissertation, Christian-Albrecht-Universität, Kiel
- Anna Müller (geb. Burmester) (2016): Genetic regulation of osteoblastic cells in reaction to a magnesium corrosion environment.
Dissertation, Universität Hamburg
- Maria Costatino (2016): Early cells interaction on magnesium based materials.
Dissertation, Universität Hamburg
- Björn Wiese (2016): The Effect of CaO on Magnesium and Magnesium Calcium Alloys.
Dissertation, TU Clausthal
- Eshwara Nidadavolu (2016): Degradation behavior of Mg-Ca alloys.
Masterarbeit, Christian-Albrecht-Universität, Kiel
- Niranjan Ramakrishnegowda (2016): Development of Layered Mg-Ti Composites for Biomedical Applications.
Masterarbeit, Christian-Albrecht-Universität, Kiel
- Markus Steiner (2016): Influence of acetic acid etching on the degradation behaviour of Mg-5Gd alloy.
Masterarbeit, Christian-Albrecht-Universität, Kiel
- Sebastian Meyer (2016): Einfluss des Gefüges auf die mechanischen und Degradationseigenschaften, neuer stranggepresster Magnesiumlegierungen.
Bachelorarbeit, Christian-Albrecht-Universität, Kiel
- Jonas Olsson (2016): Parameterstudie: Das Drahterodieren von Magnesium.
Bachelorarbeit, Fachhochschule Lübeck
- Lili Wu (2015): In vitro assessment of the cytocompatibility of magnesium-based implant materials with osteoclasts.
Dissertation, Universität Hamburg
- Belén Martorell Aguado (2015):
Effect of sterilisation on surface characteristics and corrosion behaviour of Mg10Gd.
Masterarbeit, Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg
- Niklas Rüder (2015): Degradation von mittels Metallpulver-Spritzguss prozessierten Mg-Ca Legierungen.
Bachelorarbeit, Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg
- Martin Johannisson (2014):
Influence of sterilization and machining parameters on the corrosion of Mg10Gd for the use as constructional material in human body implants.
Bachelorarbeit, FH Lübeck
- Johannes G. Schaper (2014):
Metal injection moulding processing of Mg-0.9Ca for biomedical applications. Masterarbeit, FH Flensburg
- Marcus Wurlitzer (2014):
Investigation of MALDI mass spectrometry for disease marker screening in patient tissue samples.
Masterarbeit, Universität Hamburg / UKE
- Di Tie (2013):
Antibacterial Mg-Ag Biodegradable Alloy.
Dissertation, Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg
- Anneke Möhring (2012):
Cell adhesion to magnesium under dynamic conditions.
Bachelorarbeit, Christian-Albrecht-Universität, Kiel