
Tens of thousands of patents are registered in Europe every year. The patent applications are currently largely prepared manually. PatentPen is a software tool that is being developed at the Helmholtz Center Hereon and supports you in patent drafting leveraging cutting-edge generative artificial intelligence. Operating PatentPen is a breeze.

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Once you have prepared a list of claims for a new patent, open PatentPen in your browser and copy and paste the list of claims.

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PatentPen then automatically generates an initial draft of the description of the claims.

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You can have PatentPen adapt this initial draft even further according to your preferences. Finally, you download the draft and complete and refine it based on your patent law expertise.

PatentPen uses state-of-the-art technology for IT security and data protection. Your data are protected from access by third parties at all times. All data processing steps are carried out exclusively on servers in the EU.

None of the technical information you enter into PatentPen during patent drafting is permanently stored by PatentPen, either directly or indirectly (e.g. through use for training AI models).