
Python Diffraction Data Analysis Suite

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pydidas is a software developed at Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon to facilitate X-ray diffraction data analysis.

pydidas flyer (1,6 MB)


  • Speed up the analysis at Hereon's beamlines pydidas shall enable the users and beamline staff to apply data reduction during the experiment and to allow a quick feedback on the measurement's progress. A quick data reduction enables a more efficient use of the beamtimes, especially when using in situ sample environments where it might not be possible to detect reaching the process goals in the raw data.
  • Support of our user community pydidas shall allow users of Hereon's beamlines to perform their data analysis with the same software both at the beamline and at their home institutes. The aim is to allow users a more efficient data analysis to have more time for writing publications.
  • Extending the user communities Providing easy-to-use data analysis tools for X-ray diffraction data allows to engage new user communities which lack the know-how to process X-ray diffraction data efficiently on their own.