Related publications
The following list collects peer-reviewed scientific literature related to the FPS URB-RCC, including the research of project partners. This list is not comprehensive, please feel free to contact us to add relevant literature.
- Nogueira, M., Lima, D. C., & Soares, P. M. (2020). An integrated approach to project the future urban climate response: Changes to Lisbon's urban heat island and temperature extremes. Urban Climate, 34, 100683.
- Nogueira, M., & Soares, P. M. (2019). A surface modelling approach for attribution and disentanglement of the effects of global warming from urbanization in temperature extremes: application to Lisbon. Environmental Research Letters, 14(11), 114023.
- Duchêne, F., Van Schaeybroeck, B., Caluwaerts, S., De Troch, R., Hamdi, R., Termonia, P (2020). A statistical-dynamical methodology to downscale regional climate projections to urban scale, J Appl Meteorol Climatol, 59(6), 1109-1123.
- Argüeso D., Evans J.P., Pitman A.J., Di Luca A. (2015): Effects of city expansion on heat stress under climate change conditions. PLoS one 10, e0117066.
- Argüeso D., Evans J.P., Fita L., Bormann K. J. (2014): Temperature response to future urbanization and climate change. Clim. Dynam. 42, 2183–2199.
- Barlow, J., Best, M., Bohnenstengel, S. I., Clark, P., Grimmond, S., ... & Zhong, J. (2017). Developing a Research Strategy to Better Understand, Observe, and Simulate Urban Atmospheric Processes at Kilometer to Subkilometer Scales, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 98(10), ES261-ES264.
- Bassett, R., Young, P. J., Blair, G. S., Cai, X. M., & Chapman, L. (2020). Urbanisation’s contribution to climate warming in Great Britain. Environmental Research Letters, 15(11), 114014.
- Best, M. J., & Grimmond, C. S. B. (2015). Key conclusions of the first international urban land surface model comparison project. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 96(5), 805-819.
- Chapman S, Thatcher M, Salazar A, Watson JEM, McAlpine CA. The impact of climate change and urban growth on urban climate and heat stress in a subtropical city. Int J Climatol. 2019;1–18.
- Chapman, S., Watson, J.E.M., Salazar, A. et al. (2017) The impact of urbanization and climate change on urban temperatures: a systematic review Landscape Ecol 32: 1921.
- Daniel, M., Lemonsu, A., Déqué, M., Somot, S., Alias, A., & Masson, V. (2019). Benefits of explicit urban parameterization in regional climate modeling to study climate and city interactions. Climate Dynamics, 52(5), 2745-2764.
- Fallmann, J., Forkel, R. and Emeis, S., 2016. Secondary effects of urban heat island mitigation measures on air quality. Atmospheric Environment, 125, pp.199-211.
- Fallmann, J., Wagner, S. and Emeis, S., 2017. High resolution climate projections to assess the future vulnerability of European urban areas to climatological extreme events. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 127(3-4), pp.667-683.
- Fallmann, J., Barra, M., Kumar, V. and Tost, H., 2021. Impact of urban imperviousness on boundary layer meteorology and air chemistry on a regional scale. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, pp.349-367.
- Hamdi R., Van de Vyver H., De Troch R., Termonia P. (2014): Assessment of three dynamical urban climate downscaling methods: Brussels's future urban heat island under an A1B emission scenario. Int. J. Climatol. 34: 978–999.
- Hamdi R., Duchêne F., Berckmans J., Delcloo A., Vanpoucke C., Termonia P. (2016). Evolution of urban heat wave intensity for the Brussels Capital Region in the ARPEGE-Climat A1B scenario. Urban Climate 17, 176–195.
- Hertwig, D., Ng, M., Grimmond, S., Vidale, P. L., & McGuire, P. C. (2021). High‐resolution global climate simulations: Representation of cities. International Journal of Climatology.
- Hirsch AL, Evans JP, Thomas C, Conroy B, Hart MA, Lipson M, Ertler W. 2021. Resolving the influence of local flows on urban heat amplification during heatwaves. Environmental Research Letters. IOP Publishing, 16(6): 064066.
- Hoffmann P., Krueger O., Schlünzen, K. H. (2012): A statistical model for the urban heat island and its application to a climate change scenario. Int. J. Climatol. 32, 1238–1248
- Hoffmann P., Schoetter R., Schlünzen K.H. (2016): Statistical-dynamical downscaling of the urban heat island in Hamburg, Germany. Meteorol. Z.
- Huszar, P., Halenka, T., Belda, M., Zak, M., Sindelarova, K., & Miksovsky, J. (2014). Regional climate model assessment of the urban land-surface forcing over central Europe. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14(22), 12393-12413.
- Huszar, P., Karlický, J., Ďoubalová, J., Šindelářová, K., Nováková, T., Belda, M., ... & Pišoft, P. (2020). Urban canopy meteorological forcing and its impact on ozone and PM 2.5: role of vertical turbulent transport. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20(4), 1977-2016.
- Katzfey, J., Schluenzen, H., Hoffmann, P., & Thatcher, M. (2020) How an urban parameterization affects a high‐resolution global climate simulation. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 146(733), pp.3808-3829.
- Karlický, J., Huszár, P., Nováková, T., Belda, M., Švábik, F., Ďoubalová, J., & Halenka, T. (2020). The “urban meteorology island”: a multi-model ensemble analysis. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20(23), 15061-15077.
- Karlický, J., Huszár, P., Halenka, T., Belda, M., Žák, M., Pišoft, P., & Mikšovský, J. (2018). Multi-model comparison of urban heat island modelling approaches. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18(14), 10655-10674.
- Langendijk, G. S., Rechid, D., & Jacob, D. (2019). Urban areas and urban–rural contrasts under climate change: What does the EURO-CORDEX ensemble tell us?—Investigating near surface humidity in Berlin and its surroundings. Atmosphere, 10(12), 730.
- Langendijk, G. S., Rechid, D., Sieck, K., & Jacob, D. (2021). Added value of convection-permitting simulations for understanding future urban humidity extremes: case studies for Berlin and its surroundings. Weather and Climate Extremes, 33, 100367.
- Le Roy, B., Lemonsu, A., & Schoetter, R. (2021). A statistical–dynamical downscaling methodology for the urban heat island applied to the EURO-CORDEX ensemble. Climate Dynamics, 1-22.
- Mahmood R., Pielke R.A., Hubbard K.G., Niyogi D., Dirmeyer P.A., McAlpine C., Carleton A.M., Hale R., Gameda S., Beltrán-Przekurat A., Baker B., McNider R., Legates D.R., Shepherd M., Du J., Blanken P.D., Frauenfeld O.W., Nair U.S., Fall S. (2014): Land cover changes and their biogeophysical effects on climate. Int. J. Climatol. 34: 929–953.
- Martilli A., Clappier A., Rotach M. (2002): An urban surface exchange parameterisation for mesoscale models. Boundary-Layer Meteorol. 104: 261–304.
- McCarthy M.P., Best M.J., Betts R.A. (2010): Climate change in cities due to global warming and urban effects. Geophys. Res. Lett. 37, L09705
- Oleson K.W., Bonan G.B., Feddema J., Vertenstein M., Grimmond C.S.B. (2008): An urban parameterization for a global climate model. Part I: Formulation and evaluation for two cities. J. Appl. Meteorol. Climatol. 47, 1038–1060.
- Oleson, K. (2012): Contrasts between urban and rural climate in CCSM4 CMIP5 climate change scenarios. J. Climate 25, 1390-1412.
- Oleson K.W., Bonan G.B., Feddema J., Jackson T. (2011): An examination of urban heat island characteristics in a global climate model. Int. J. Climatol. 31, 1848–1865.
- Sharma, A., Wuebbles, D. J., & Kotamarthi, R. (2021). The need for urban‐resolving climate modeling across scales. AGU Advances, 2(1), e2020AV000271.
- Sharma, A., Wuebbles, D. J., Kotamarthi, R., Calvin, K., Drewniak, B., Catlett, C. E., & Jacob, R. (2020). Urban-Scale Processes in High-Spatial-Resolution Earth System Models. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 101(9), E1555-E1561.
- Theeuwes, N. E., Steeneveld, G. , Ronda, R. J. and Holtslag, A. A. (2017), A diagnostic equation for the daily maximum urban heat island effect for cities in northwestern Europe. Int. J. Climatol., 37: 443-454.
- Varentsov, M., Samsonov, T., & Demuzere, M. (2020). Impact of Urban Canopy Parameters on a Megacity’s Modelled Thermal Environment. Atmosphere, 11(12), 1349.
- Wiesner, S., Bechtel, B., Fischereit, J., Gruetzun, V., Hoffmann, P., Leitl, B., ... & Thomsen, S. (2018). Is it possible to distinguish global and regional climate change from urban land cover induced signals? a mid-latitude city example. Urban Science, 2(1), 12.
- Wilby R.L. (2008): Constructing climate change scenarios of urban heat island intensity and air quality. Env. Plan. B 35, 902–919.