Scientific network exchange at the Hereon-Institute of Active Polymers
During their last visit in Nov-Dec 2021, our Colombian partners, Dr. Juan Fernando Saldarriaga from UniAndes, Dr. Jinneth Lorena Castro Mayorga from Agrosavia and M. Sc. Ariel Vaca from UniAndes, shared their recent research topics and talked about their view of science in Colombia at an online meeting hosted by MENZYPOL-NET at the Hereon-Institute of Active Polymers in Teltow. Much to the excitement of researchers at Hereon!
In addition, to explore new ideas and approaches for cooperation projects, they toured some of the labs and facilities at Hereon.These include the Langmuir Blodgett’s lab and its interfacial characterization techniques IRRAS spectroscopy, BAM microscopy and Interfacial Rheology; the NMR lab and its 600 MHz NMR Spectrometer, the Microscopy facilities (SEM and TEM) the AFM lab, and the X-ray facilities with SAXS and WAXS scattering technique capabilities.
News student assistant

Photo: Hereon/Lisa Depenbrock
December 2021, Teltow, Germany
We are excited to welcome our new student assistant Narendra Solanki. Narendra will support our MENZYPOL-network at the Hereon-Institute of Active Polymers in Teltow.
"I am Biologist interested in sustainability, clean and green technology. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to the mobility network in building a stronger community of scientists, innovators and policy makers to swiftly move towards a more sustainable future. I am looking forward to working together to achieve MENZYPOL-NET’s goals."