Scientific exchange: Jiménez visits Hereon research site in Teltow

Diego Javier Jiménez Avella
Photo: Hereon/ Lisa Depenbrock
At the beginning of October, assoc. Prof. Dr. Diego Javier Jiménez Avella from the Universidad de los Andes in Bogota visited the Hereon-Institute of Active Polymers in Germany.
His stay is part of the international scientific exchange between all MENZYPOL-NET members.
Together with Jiménez, project coordinator Dr. Natalia A. Tarazona Lizcano, who conducts research at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon in Teltow, visited the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) in Lepzig and the University of Hamburg. On site, they got in touch with academics from other institutions, gave lectures on their current projects and presented the motivations and future objectives of MENZYPOL-NET.
At the end of his stay, Jiménez gave a great talk at the Institute of Active Polymers about his research on lignocellulolytic microbes as a source of plastic-transforming enzymes.

Dr. Rainhard Machatschek, Dr. Natalia A. Tarazona Lizcano, assoc. Prof. Diego J. Jiménez Avella, Francisco G. Blanco Parte, Photo: Hereon/ Lisa Depenbrock