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About us

One postdoctoral researcher is employed in the MgBone project. However, a number of people are involved in ensuring the success of the project.

Dr. Berit Zeller-Plumhoff - Postdoctoral Researcher

Berit Portrait

Berit received a BSc (2010) and MSc (2013) in Applied Mathematics from the Technische Universität München and obtained her PhD degree from the University of Southampton in Bioengineering in 2017. During her PhD work she focused on tomographic imaging and image-based modelling of soft tissues. She subsequently joined the Institute of Metallic Biomaterials at Hereon and studies the impact of biodegradable implants on the crystallization and crystal orientation of newly formed bone.
berit (dot) zeller-plumhoff (at) hereon (dot) de

Dr. Florian Wieland - Postdoctoral Researcher


Florian received his diploma in physics from TU Dortmund absolviert where he studied networks of metals and organic substances using X-ray diffraction. In his dissertation he investigated the formation of organic and inorganic thin films at the aqueous solution-gas interface ( Florian is working as a postdoctoral researcher at Hereon since 2012 and investigates the effect of shear and compression forcces on macromolecule structure. He is also studying the impact of biodegradable implant materials on the bone ultrastructure. florian (dot) wieland (at) hereon (dot) de

Dr. Björn Wiese (IWE) - Researcer

Björn Wiese

Björn Wiese was awarded his Bachelor and Masters degree from the FH Flensburg in 2010 and 2012, respectively, after succesfully finishin an apprenticeship as design draughtsman in 2005. During his Masters studies he additionally completed further training as international welding engineer (2011). Björn subsequently joined the Magnesium Innovation Centre at Hereon where he worked on the interaction of CaO and magnesium alloys for his dissertation, which he was awarded in 2016. He further collaborated on other projects in materials research of magnesium. In 2015 he joint the metallic biomaterials institute, where he is docussing on the development of alloys and processes for resorbable and biodegradable implants.

Prof. Dr. Regine Willumeit-Römer - Head of Institute of Metallic Biomaterials


Physics studies in Hamburg with dissertation on the structure of ribosomes studied using neutron- and synchrotronradiation. Habilitation in biochemistry at the University of Hamburg as well. The expertise on structural biology was expanded to include the development of biomaterials by investigating biological interface phenomena and implant surface modifications using biomimetic coatings. The current focus of research is set on biodegradable magnesium implants, ranging from fundamental research to clinical applications.
Institute of Metallic Biomaterials