Work Package 1: Technical coordination and internal networking
Due to the fundamentally different preconditions in terms of adaptation needs in the six model regions, different information-tools for decision support will be developed and tested.
The aim of WP1 is therefore to connect the eight regional projects in order to ensure an overall well-aligned approach, so that the respective results can be integrated at the end of the funding period. Therefore, the two cross-sectional projects will facilitate dedicated networking activities between all regional projects and support the work in the model regions by providing technical coordination and a dedicated data infrastructure, enabling collaborative work.
In a first step, the approaches from the model regions and the cross-sectional project on usable regional climate modelling (NUKLEUS) are assessed, in order to identify support needs and to be able to address them in a tailored way. Therefore, the conceptual and methodological approaches in the model regions will be analyzed regarding differences and similarities.
Subsequently, thematically focused exchange processes (e.g. on climate information or adaptation capacities) regarding the previously identified support needs will be established in the form of dialogue-based networking formats. For this purpose, five thematic working groups will be set up to accompany the model regions continuously throughout the entire project period. In addition, an exchange between ReglKlim participants, external scientists and decision-makers will be facilitated, for example through the RegIKlim status conferences.
To support internal networking, appropriate networking infrastructures will be established. For this purpose, a data platform will be developed in consultation with the model projects to serve as a central exchange platform for relevant data. In addition, a document server will support the exchange of information.