Work Package 2: Accompanying research
WP 2 – accompanying research – will elaborate scientific foundations for integrating the methodologies developed in the model regions and to ensure the transferability of the approaches to other regions.
This work package aims to analyze and connect to previous and ongoing strategy and agenda processes and existing projects, as well as to synthesize the different approaches in order to develop a concept for transferring and upscaling the results.
The accompanying research begins with a review of strategy and agenda processes, and ongoing and completed research projects – both nationally and internationally. This assessment thus guides the discussions in the working groups and supports internal networking. It also creates the basis for the synthesis of results and enhances the ability to connect to ongoing political and strategic activities in work package 3 (external networking).
For the basis of the synthesis concept, content-related clusters in the regional approaches will be identified, which will allow to analyze the approaches from the model regions according to fields of activities and actors.
Within the framework of the accompanying research, a concept for transfer and upscaling of approaches and methodologies will be developed. On this basis, the possibility of transferring approaches developed in the respective model regions to other regions can be assessed. Therefore, a set of minimum requirements for a successful transfer need to be defined. Existing technology and knowledge transfer concepts as well as current research on the evaluation of transdisciplinary processes pose as a starting point for this work process.
The concept for transfer and upscaling also considers the transdisciplinary approaches in the model regions themselves. An overarching perspective on the respective approaches in the model regions allows drawing conclusion on good practices and needs for further action to improve transdisciplinary processes in applied research projects.