Work Programme

Work Package 3: Public relations and external networking

WP 3 is divided into two tasks and comprises the general external presentation of the entire funding measure as well as the specific communication measures of project results to relevant target groups.

First, potential target groups, multipliers and their information needs are analyzed in order to address them specifically. In the first half of the project period, mainly actors and thematic areas will be addressed, which connect directly to the most prominent topics and processes around RegIKlim, such as local and regional administration and politics, regional associations, interest groups and science. In the further course of the project extended target groups will be addressed, which are mainly interested in first project results. This includes, for example, economic actors, media and impactful multipliers. The public relations work intends to disseminate the results of the funding program and the individual projects on national and European level.

Next, synthesized ad bundled project results will be prepared and linked to external processes and target groups from administration, politics, research and practice. This includes national and international strategy and agenda processes, e.g. to integrate the project results into strategic processes of sustainable development. Examples at the national level are the BMBF framework program FONA and projects such as the innovation platform Future City or the KlimAdapt Network on climate adaptation services of the German Environment Agency. At the international level, the project results will be fed, for example, into the European Environment Information and Observation Network (EIONET) of the European Environment Agency and the implementation mechanism of the EU adaptation strategy Climate-ADAPT.