Project Partner
Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS)

The Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS) at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon was initiated by the German government in 2009 and was an essential part of the German High-Tech Strategy for Climate Protection. GERICS develops scientifically based prototypical products and services to support decision makers from politics, economy and society in adapting to climate change. Thus, responding to the rapidly growing need for advice on climate issues and bridging the gap between science and practice. The inter- and transdisciplinary expertise of Hereon-GERICS lies in the following areas, among others:
- Regional climate modelling and model development
- Mutual transfer of knowledge and information between science and practice (decision-makers from administration, politics and economy as well as other societal actors)
- Providing regional climate information with a strong focus on the adaptation in different urban fields of action
- Development of prototypical products / services and support offers