Compound events in which several natural hazards occur simultaneously or in quick succession have not yet been systematically investigated in coastal areas. In the first phase of the project, we were able to show that even moderate individual events can have effects that go beyond those of individual extremes. The interaction of natural hazards against the backdrop of climate change thus represents an increasing challenge for the North Sea coast. Decisions on adaptation measures must therefore take the interplay of climatic, hydrological, and societal changes into account
In phase 2, the project aims to further develop and partially implement the concepts developed in phase 1 for a targeted climate information system in the form of a climate adaptation academy. This is reflected in the structure of the work programme, which consists of four interlinked scientific-technical and one administrative work packages (WP).
User-oriented research (WP 1)
Work package 1 aims to continue and concretize those aspects of the scientific and engineering research from the 1st project phase that are essential for adaptation from the perspective of the stakeholders. In addition to expanding the scenario library, this includes developing event-based storylines to investigate the extent to which past extreme events anchored in the collective memory have already been influenced by humans and what such events might look like in a warmer climate.
Valorisation of available information (WP 2)
Work package 2 aims to support the creation of decision-relevant knowledge, as the mere provision of data and information does not necessarily create knowledge. Instead, the information and facts can only be reflected on and interpreted by linking them with people’s experiences.
Societal climate adaptation activities (WP 3)
Work package 3 aims to disseminate knowledge that is relevant for decision-making and motivates action in society. This will be achieved via multipliers and by testing climate adaptation activities with social groups in a living-labs-like environment.
Climate service as an integration of web tool, transfer, and stakeholder networking (WP 4)
Work package 4 aims to design and implement a digital climate adaptation web tool in cooperation with the associated partners, in which results and findings from work packages WP 1 to 3 are made available in an easy-to-use form. Both the climate adaptation web tool and the products, transfer options, and information on stakeholder networking from WPs 1 to 4 are to be integrated into a coastal climate information platform.