Project Partner
Institute of Spatial and Regional Planning (IREUS)

The IREUS ( has its emphasis in a spatial and infrastructure planning aiming at sustainability and resilience. Thereby, IREUS focuses in particular on empirical, impact-oriented spatial, environmental and risk research. An inter- and transdisciplinary research approach is pursued, which links planning and engineering with environmental, economic and social science research approaches. IREUS contributes its expertise to the project in the following areas:
- Indicators to measure adaptation capacities and resilience at the level of cities and regions
- Local and regional data or statistics (e.g. microcensus, city statistics, spatial observation in regions and at the state level, statistical data of the states, federal space observation), which, among other things, must be combined with climate data for questions of adaptation needs
- Triangulation of socio-demographic and socio-economic data for indicators on adaptation, vulnerability and resilience
- Starting points for climate change adaptation and risk reduction in formal and informal instruments of regional and urban land use planning
- Synthesis of important findings from individual projects for regulations and guidelines for spatial and environmental planning and for civil protection
- Projects with direct relevance: KlimaMORO, ZURES, RESI-extrem and KIRMim